<이전 사진을 다 지워서 적나라하게 나온 퍼스널 컬러 사진을 올려봤어요 턱도 짧아 이중턱이 돋보이는데 아무리 살을 빼도 볼살하고 턱살은 안빠지길래 수술을 하게 됐습니다>
<수술 2주 후>
Right after the surgery, I couldn't open my mouth or chew for a week, so I only melted ice cream with a teaspoon and ate only soup, so I really regretted it and had a hard time. It's gone. Looking at recent photos, it's still attached well without sagging. However, the incision scar at the tip of the chin is noticeable because it's keloid skin.