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[3 type of Contour] I bought 3 types of male contouring products from AB.

Date 24.05.29 11:00:17 View 2,500
770 만원
During days
14 Days

It's been 2 weeks since I got the 3 types of male contouring. On the day of the surgery, it was so swollen that my mom was very surprised. I was also surprised. My eyes were all swollen, so I think it would have been very difficult to go home alone without my mom . I was hospitalized for a day. Every time I see my swollen face, I feel sad and sick. I kept regretting what I did. It was so hard that I couldn't even eat properly . Why did I do this? I thought about this for a week, but after a week, I felt a little better. I didn't have any cravings, and the pain was gone, but the discomfort was still there. Will I keep killing it like that? I'm eating food that I don't chew, and now the discomfort is disappearing. The swelling is still there, but my face is so refreshed that I can forget I was in pain. Even though it was swollen, the outline has become smooth and neat, and the director recommended fat grafting for my forehead as well. One of the things I am most satisfied with is the forehead jii. My forehead has gained volume and the outline has become smooth. I am so happy that I can now bare my forehead and style my hair in various ways. The lines are more visible in the second week than in the first week as the swelling has gone down. I met my mom after a long time. But my mom doesn't recognize me and says I look like a different person haha. I feel like I need to work hard to control the swelling, so I'm ordering and drinking a lot of pumpkin juice and tea. I'm really curious about my face without the swelling because it goes away quickly, and the bruises are all gone, so I want to meet my friends, have a drink, and go have fun. I want to go too. Other than the surgery being painful, I'm very satisfied with the results haha.

윤강이's More Posts
Cmts 7
Yüz hatlarım çok yumuşadı haha.
24-05-29 13:43
Peki ne kadar oldu şimdi? Sevgilim de kontur yaptırmak istiyor ama bunu görünce ona danışmak istiyorum.
24-05-29 14:49
Şişliği görmekte zorlandım ama sonuçlar gerçekten çok iyiydi!!
24-05-29 15:19
Elmacık kemiklerimi kestiğimden beri çökük yanakları göremiyorum bile~
24-05-29 15:40
Ana hatlar başarılıydı hahaha tebrikler
24-05-29 16:32
Şişlik zor geçmiş olmalı.
24-05-31 04:49
Son zamanlarda konturlama hakkında araştırma yaparken, YouTube'da tanıdığım birinin öncesi ve sonrası konturlama videosunu gördüm. AB Plastik Cerrahi'ydi. Gerçekten korkmuştum. Yapıldığını bilmiyordum (yakın arkadaşız) ve harika oldu (gerçek hayatta gördüm). Ana hatları iyi bilmiyorum ama iyi olmuş gibi görünüyor.
24-06-04 15:40
1% Plastic Surgery Clinic
hospital info
I went to Dalgosan for a consultation because of my complex about clowns. First of all, the wait was really long.. about 2 hours?  If the consultation was not good, I shouldn't have done it here. The director said that if you only do clowns, your face will look weird, so he recommended getting a chin surgery as well (I kind of expected it). He said that my face would be good if they did it too (other hospitals said similar things. T_T My damn face shape....) The consultation with the director was really good, and the manager was okay . There was a same-day reservation requirement. It seemed to suit me well, but I gave up because the price was more expensive than I thought.. The director said that there are no discounts other than same-day reservations. T_T  If I do it again in the future, I think I'll do it here? I recommend going for a consultation first.
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