I was always worried about my face shape, and my double chin, cheeks, and cheekbones were all sagging, but I think my round image has improved a lot haha. I have a lot of facial fat, so I thought I had a big face and thought about covering it up with hair or something, but the answer was to cover it up no matter what. It wasn't!!
I've had contour injections a few times, but the effects don't seem to last long, and I feel like it's temporary because I don't have elasticity, so I looked for another method and ended up doing facial liposuction, but I should have done it sooner haha. Power V facial liposuction + square jaw botox + 4D tight-up thread lifting together
. It feels like my jawline has become more elastic and my face has become smaller!!
I am satisfied with choosing a doctor's grooming class that specializes in facial lines.