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[Square Jaw] Two jaw surgery (facial asymmetry, facial contour) 2nd week review!

Date 24.02.07 15:56:27 View 3,612
15000000 만원
During days
14 Days

















Before & After

1. The reason why I decided to have surgery - I was under a lot of stress about my appearance due to facial asymmetry and malocclusion that had been evident since middle school, and I felt uncomfortable when eating due to the malocclusion, and I decided to get double jaw surgery due to pain in the temporomandibular joint. 2. Reason Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Reason for choosing - While looking for a famous university hospital and oral and maxillofacial surgery clinic in Seoul, I saw a lot of good reviews, and I could see the surgery review in a video, so I thought he was a trustworthy doctor. On the first day , my face was cleaner than I expected and it wasn't as swollen. It was amazing and my neck was so sore. It was so hard to breathe because my face was compressed. I had no strength in my body so I couldn't do anything so I lay still and couldn't sleep. On the second day, my face was more swollen than yesterday and it was so hard to sleep. My stomach was sore from the IV fluids. I wasn't hungry and drank New Care with a syringe. I applied ice packs hard and when it was time to be discharged, I went home, but I couldn't do anything either so I spent the day on the sofa. On the 3rd day, my face was swollen and throbbing like crazy, it was so painful and difficult, my ears were swollen and my head was pounding. I'm in pain, my nose is swollen, it's hard to breathe, my throat hurts, and my nose keeps bleeding. I worked hard to survive by taking New Care, and when the medication's effectiveness wears off, it's really hard, so I take the medication diligently. On the 4th day, my face is still throbbing, and I keep waking up in pain in the early morning. My head still hurts, and my ears are buzzing, so I can't make any noise. It sounds and is hard, but I felt good because I took a shower today. I ate New Care, porridge, and yogurt diligently. It's the 5th day. Now the hot flashes have almost decreased and the swelling has decreased a little compared to yesterday. There are a lot of bruises on my face and neck. My nose is a little pierced, so I can breathe a little easier now. I got some sleep. The noise in my ears has decreased a lot and my head doesn't hurt anymore. I went for a walk today. I'm so hungry and my body feels weak, so I eat everything I can. Day 6. Now the throbbing pain has almost subsided. I can feel myself recovering little by little, and the swelling is definitely gone. It's decreasing. The sensation around my mouth is gradually coming back, and my lips and chin are numb. It hurts so much when my face is pressed, so I just don't do it. Now I can breathe easier and talk a little easier, so I spent some time on the phone with my friends. Day 7. Today, I went to the hospital, checked my progress, and disinfected my mouth. It hurt so much when I opened it. It was my first time seeing a screw stuck in my gums, and it was so disgusting. Starting today, I have to wear rubber bands, but it's harder than I thought. I'm happy to see that the swelling is gradually going down. 2nd week review The swelling is going down noticeably, but my cheeks are still very puffy when I talk. It was still uncomfortable, so I went to the hospital and had the stitches removed, but it was a lot more painful than I thought. Still, it became easier to move my mouth, and my pronunciation came back a lot. It was really painful in the first week, but I'm definitely feeling better now. Haha. The asymmetry, which was definitely the biggest stress, has been fixed, so it's so much better. I’m happyㅠㅠ I hope everyone has safe surgery!

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* 비밀글 입니다.
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고생했어 ㅠㅠ 예쁘다!!
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* 비밀글 입니다.
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* 비밀글 입니다.
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와 ㅋㅋ 비대칭 확 돌아오셨네요 대박 ㅠ
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