Job Review

[Philtrum] It’s been a month since philtrum revision surgery~

Date 24.08.14 23:49:04 View 728









I had a reoperation because my scar was so bad, and it was my second philtrum surgery, so I went to a lot of consultations to find a hospital without scars. I only went to Sinsa Station, which has a lot of advertisements, and went to Samseong Station because it was famous, so I went there for a consultation and was worried because the surgery method was different from other places. I had a lot of surgery, but because it was my last surgery because of the scar, I thought about it carefully before deciding. I was very worried until the day, but the consultant and director told me not to worry, so I had the surgery with peace of mind. Since I'm the type who swells a lot, it was a bit swollen and awkward for 3 weeks, but the major swelling lasted for 1 week. It falls out, but my constitution is so bad! I went to check on the progress and asked the director a lot of questions. He explained things well and I was worried a lot during the downtime, but the director comforted me by telling me not to worry and that it was no big deal. Now that I think about it, I was worried too much myself. The scar was like a hole and was so bad that I was reluctant to meet people. It was just that, but now the scar is completely gone, and if I take good care of it for a while, the philtrum will heal well without any problems. I made up my mind to have surgery again, and I am so glad that I can live without worrying about scars. Thank you, Director Jeong Seung-il ~

응냐옹냐's More Posts
Cmts 3
Oh my gosh +.+
24-08-15 13:55
It's pretty!
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hospital info
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