Job Review

[3 type of Contour] 3 types of Samsa-o Contour + Aristocrat Bone Graft Review (Long)

Date 24.08.30 16:47:27 View 1,418
7689000 만원
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15 Days

This is a review after 2 weeks of facial contouring (cheekbone + square jaw + chin) and aristocratic bone grafting! Before the surgery, I had facial asymmetry and my face was not very fleshy, so my bones were exposed, and my face shape was shaped like a peanut or an earlobe. I avoided all hospitals that did factory-type surgery and went to hospitals for consultations, considering safety as the most important. I had consultations at a total of 6 places, and Director Samsa-o and the director explained the surgery in the most detail, so I made a surgery reservation and received preoperative examinations on the day of the consultation. So I decided to have 3 types of facial contouring (zygomatic + square jaw + chin) and aristocratic bone grafting. Aristocratic bone grafting is a surgical method that reshapes bone from the zygomatic bone instead of a prosthesis and grafts it to the aristocratic nasolabial fold. I was very satisfied with it. I was very nervous on the day of the surgery, but during the final consultation before the surgery, Director Park Jong-rim spoke calmly and told me that it was natural to be nervous because it was my first surgery, but he told me not to worry too much, so I was able to wait comfortably until I went into the operating room. After waking up from anesthesia and during my one-day hospitalization, the nurses took such kind care of me that I was almost in tears, so I was able to recover comfortably and be discharged. While I was hospitalized, the director They came by two or three times to tell me that the surgery went well and also checked my condition! Up until the second or third day after the surgery, I was so swollen that I wondered if it was okay for me to be this swollen, but after that, the excessive swelling went down really quickly. The day after the surgery, the director called me again to check if there were any special symptoms and how I should manage it until my first visit, which really helped me to feel more at ease! I was touched, almost tearful?ㅎ I think I take painkillers very well, so I haven't felt any pain since the surgery. Instead, I felt uncomfortable because of the swelling, and it was uncomfortable to sleep with my upper body elevated (but this part really seems to be a problem!). Even though I still have some swelling, I really like the shape of my face. The angular parts are not visible, so my impression is much smoother, and before the surgery, I couldn't even dream of wearing a beanie, but I'm really satisfied when I wear a beanie or a hat!!! They say that the answer is to keep the contour, so I'm looking forward to seeing the swelling go down quickly!!

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지금은 혹시 어때? 만족해?? 뼈로넣는건 되게 잘안하려하던데 궁금해
24-09-10 18:31
지금 어떠신 상탠지 궁금해ㅐㅐㅐ!!!
24-09-12 18:28
비니라니.. 광대부자인 나는 상상도 못해. 무조건 캡 큰걸로 광대 가리는데ㅠㅠ  혹시 자연스럽게 해달라고 헀어?
24-09-19 16:57
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