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[etc] 2 types of contours (mini-V/cheekbones) pre-surgery ~ 6 months later

Date 22.07.04 00:25:11 View 1,913

Contouring surgery was considered a major surgery, so I never thought about it. It wasn't a case where the bones were very developed, but it was stressful that the camera didn't work too well, and I was envious of the smooth face shape that seemed to have been corrected with an app . As if I was possessed by my confidence and honesty, I immediately made an appointment for surgery . I wanted to do a square jaw with 3 types, but the director stopped me, so I only went with 2 types (clown/mini V-line) . What if I had a square jaw once? I want to, but... I also want to do well to proceed with only 2 types without being greedy . First of all, on the first day of surgery, I couldn't sleep at all because of neck discomfort caused by sleep anesthesia rather than pain, and on the second and third days, the swelling on my face was at its maximum like Anpanman, and I lived as carefully as possible while sleeping, fearing that I would be touched wrongly. The most uncomfortable thing was when I was eating... Until the 2nd week, I ate mostly porridge or liquid food , so this was the hardest . Two months after the surgery, there was a really important event, and up until this point, the swelling down the cheek was significant, so they covered it up by saying that it was swollen with the procedure, but no one noticed that the contour surgery was done (and I didn't feel it at the time, but now I came and looked at the pictures then, and there was quite a bit of swelling) . After about 4 months, the swelling has gone down a lot, so what has changed after the surgery? The doubts I had heard also disappeared as I felt them every time I took a picture . At first, I was worried about the sagging under the chin, but it gradually disappeared, and rather, around this time of year, I ate too well and gained weight... But really, just 6 months passed, and now I can eat some hard food without being aware of it. I can eat all of them and I am living. Perhaps because my bones are not very developed, my face has subtly softened and my chin has become shorter. No one knows except my family, so I think it is a surgery that can solve my own complex while becoming really prettier. After that, I have summarized the change process by date and attached it.

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Cmts 11
I was wondering why she did it because she's so pretty, but she sure looks young! If the swelling goes down, please give me another review~~ My lips are too gestal hahaha Did you get fillers?
22-07-04 00:36
You were so pretty before the surgery.
22-07-04 01:45
You are so pretty!
22-07-04 07:51
우와 수술전에도 넘나 예쁘신데.......
22-07-04 08:58
3등급이 안돼서 글만 읽었네요 윤곽 추천하실만한가요?
볼처짐이런부작용때문에 걱정됩니다ㅠ
22-07-04 13:41
부어도 너무 예쁜게 보인다…ㅠ 가격정보 알 수 있을까?!
22-07-04 15:14
부작용은 없나요 ㅠ
22-07-05 06:50
미니브이 주의점은 있나요?
22-07-05 20:08
와 엄청 어려보여요
22-07-17 13:52
수술전도 예뻐서 전이랑 후가 드라마틱하게 변했다 까지는 못 느껴요.
저만 그런가요?
22-07-28 11:14
23-03-22 23:07
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