I got high 3D cheekbones and a bespoke V line from 1%. It's already been 3 months since I had facial contouring. Immediately after the first surgery, I had discomfort such as difficulty opening my mouth when eating, swelling, and pain, but now I have to press my cheekbones hard to get pain. I tend to get a little bit of this. Eating and swelling have now improved so much that it doesn't interfere with my daily life. The swelling has gone down a bit compared to the 2nd month, and I'm dieting hard because I think the lines will definitely come out if I lose weight. Haha
this time . I went to 1% to see the progress, and when I compared the before and after photos with the CT photos, I could see that the lines were clearly organized. However, since I am gaining weight... I am trying to follow the advice that dieting at the same time is good for results..! Haha,
when I look at the photos I take every month, I see how things change little by little, and I get curious about what I will look like in another month.