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The law of immutability of disks? lol

Date 06.08.15 19:49:07 View 2,864

Well... I didn't have very high expectations, but I think the eye shape is pretty even though it should be pretty ^^ I got a complete cut + epicanthoplasty... Even though my eyes are normally even, they are even haha . That's right. I had an epicanthoplasty, but it doesn't look like I had it done at all. Only a scar remains.. The epicanthoplasty is also uneven, right?? The swelling went down so quickly that I was worried that it would become completely thin ^^ Ah~! One question: When I first had epicanthoplasty, there was absolutely no scar. Immediately after removing the stitches, the skin was the same color as before and the skin didn't come up... But as time went by, it started to get red... I put on makeup after 10 days, but is that the effect? I don't wear heavy makeup. Will it make me look tight if I don't wear makeup? I don't even need to apply ointment or anything, so what should I do? I heard that white skin started growing. When did that start? Oh~! Another question. I used to have dry eyes... but after the surgery, they're even more stuffy... I used to keep my eyes half-closed, but now that they've gotten bigger, are they even more stuffy? Because it's dry, my eyes are very tired even if I work a little.. Haha, you can't hope to become completely pretty with just one pair.. I... I was worried about the gel before the surgery... hahaha. It's scarier than the side effects... Even though the surgery went well. It's not that pretty lol The situation I was worried about... kekekeke

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님 ,아니에요~눈만봤을땐 좀 붓기는햇지만
저렇게 부어서 이뻐진사람만이봣어요 성예사에서.
지금도 이쁘신데요 전눈도이뻐요 화질이좀안좋아서그렇지
원래 카메라는 2d라서 실제보다 안좋게나온데요
이뻐요이뻐요 안구건조증은 어카지 ㅜㅜ 한번상담받아보세요
그건 개인바다 다르자나요~
06-08-15 20:19
저는 앞트임수술하고나서 간지러워서 막 긁어서 그런지 앞트임 흉터 장난아닌데 꼭 강아지들 눈꼽끼면 앞에 상처같은거 생긴거마냥 ㅠㅠ 근데 아직 부기가 안빠지셔서 그런거 같은데 좀더 기다려보셔요.. 부기빠지면 또 달라지니까요~
06-08-15 20:30
정보 좀 주세요...
06-08-15 21:59
눈에 화장을 왠만하면하지마시구요.
수술전에 선생님이 눈에 지방주입해야한다고 안하셨었나요?
돌출이신건지 지방이없으신건지.. 그냥 그림자인지..
앞트임흉터계속올라오시고하시면 안연고 처방받으셔서 바르세요-
06-08-16 02:31
지방 주입 말씀은 없으셨는데 지방도 워낙 없고 사진에 그림자도 심하고 그러네요... 오늘부터 화장안하려구요.., 좀 챙피하긴 하지만 ㅋㅋ
06-08-16 08:24
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