I often heard that I looked older and tired because of the fat and dark circles under my eyes. I
was always stressed because of that, so I tried various procedures, but they didn't work. I realized that surgery was the only answer, so I got fat repositioning surgery under my eyes, and I'm so satisfied that I wonder why I waited so long to do it.
I consulted with several places and chose Objet Plastic Surgery, which is famous for its under-eye area.
First of all, the dark circles that couldn't be covered with makeup now look brighter and clearer even without makeup.
I was worried because my under-eye area was a little numb for a month, but now I can feel it all again, and I'm satisfied because it looks so natural that I can smile or make facial expressions naturally.
People around me ask me where I got it done when they see how different I am!
I recommend Objet Jang Wook!