Incision + epicanthoplasty + sagging skin removal + fat removal.. I
'm still lingering around Seongyesa...
My line looks a bit square
. Other people have it nicely rounded...
but I have a <>< ㄱ >> shape. It has formed....
Ah... the fat in my eyes is still there...
my heart aches...
Is this really a pretty line? ;; ㅠㅠ
But.. at this moment when it's been 8 days..
what can I say about Clap-Clap....
Will it really become pretty if I wait?? ㅜㅜ
I'm not good at waiting... I'm sure
Clap-Clap will come back in the same way~~^^
Since it's only been 8 days, I think you should take your time^^
As time goes by, if the swelling goes down, your lines will look pretty~~?
Please give me some information ^^
I guess it's inevitable that my eyes will be uneven.
I also have very uneven eyes, so I had to undergo surgery again. I like the eye line and size, but they're still slightly uneven
. There are a lot of people who have uneven eyes.
병원에 직접들었는데요~ 나이가 많이 않으신분들 (학생이나 이십 대 분들)은요~ 나이가 들면 자연스럽게 지방이 줄어들거든요?? 그래서 지방을 빼도 적당하게만 뺀대요~* 나중에 줄어들 부분을 살짝 계산하셔서..그런거니까 걱정마세요^^ 나중에 얼굴살이 빠질 때가 오는 데, 눈만 쾽~~해지면 나이들어보여서 얼마나 슬프다구요 ㅠ.ㅠ ㅎㅎㅎㅎ