Kirin Plastic Surgery/Director Song Hoon
It's been a month and the back of my eyes seem to have opened up well! It doesn't seem to have opened up as much as I thought, but I think it's because the swelling went down quickly and the surgery was safe. There was no conjunctival edema either. The redness also went away quickly! I'll have to wait and see how things go, but I'm glad that the pain is gradually decreasing. I think quick recovery is also an advantage!
저도 기린 상담 고민 중인데...
궁굼한 부분이...
다른 병원은 부작용을 우려해서 2~3mm 까지만 트는 걸로 알고 있는데...
기린은 부작용을 최소화 하는 자신만의 수술 법이 따로 있는 건지...
아님 부작용은 니 문제고 난 최대한 터 주마.... 라는 자세인 건지... 알고 싶어요.
눈이 시리거나하는 다른 부작용은 없으세요??