Job Review

[Revision Surgery] Review of reoperation after 10 years

Date 24.05.08 10:29:54 View 2,988
이석현 원장님
418 만원
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90 Days

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<수술방 들어가기 전>

2개월 후

<2개월 후>

- The reason I decided to have reoperation was when I was in high school, and I had a double fist in front of my house without knowing what it was... I knew it was thick, but I thought it wasn't a bad thing. But one day, I got angry. I looked it up on the internet and it said something about two-line drawing, blah, blah... I don't think it's possible through text, so I'll have to ask in person! And I sold some of my handmade goods. All I want is for the hair around my eyes to become thinner and for the line to continue all the way to the end!! It was ㅠㅠ (Because the hair in front of my eyes was so stressful..) Even after making an appointment for Eye Contact Plastic Surgery, should I just live with it? I had a lot of thoughts about what I would do if I failed... But after meeting the counseling director and director, my thoughts changed to 'I should do it here.' First of all, I trusted the way he was so kind and confidently told me what the two-line picking was and what style I wanted, that this and that would improve after the surgery, and that he would do it in the style I wanted as much as possible. So I made a same-day reservation and left. - On the day of surgery 1. You will be asked what you would like to do in the final design before surgery. I don't want my eyes to get any bigger, but I definitely want my eyebrows to be naturally thin!! I said. The director said he understood and designed it. (Please design very delicately.) 2. Immediately after surgery , go to the care room and apply an ice pack. Please ask if I feel dizzy. After calming down, I looked at my eyes when I was changing clothes in the locker room, and no, they were already thinner than before lol Even though there was tape over my eyes! Wow, this is it..? I made an appointment to have the stitches removed a week later. - I was really curious to see what the stitch removal looked like because it was covered with stitch removal tape. There was no wait and we proceeded as soon as we got there. It stings a little, but it doesn't hurt much. After pulling everything out, I looked in the mirror and saw that half of the sausage was gone hahaha. After pulling everything out, the director came and said it was all good. He said that and I laughed and said, “Because that’s what I do too.” I made an appointment a month later and went home after receiving a swelling laser. - Conclusion I wanted to do this at a hospital with a single director, and I wanted a confident director. (Because I was worried about it right before the consultation) I can do this and that during the consultation. They told me to drink and don't worry, but I thought, okay, I should do it here. Now, I just have to come see you when 6 months have passed and it will be over. I wonder how much time has passed. The after photo is from 2 months ago~

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24-05-08 10:36
부럽다눙... 나는 자꾸 살이 내려와 ㅜ
24-05-08 10:39
자연스럽게 잘됐네
24-05-08 14:36
정면사진두 궁금해!
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자연스럽고 앞머리 얇게 잘된듯해
24-05-13 01:45
와 진짜 잘됐네요
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* 비밀글 입니다.
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완전 잘됐다‘
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