Job Review

[Double eyelid Incision] Jesta Plastic Surgery Eye Surgery - Highly recommended review

Date 24.02.09 16:37:47 View 6,684
300 만원
During days
288 Days

I had double eye incisions done at the above plastic surgery clinic, but it resulted in side effects (scars, one line was asymmetrical so the front of the eyes were distorted), and I thought that anyone could become a victim like me at an irresponsible hospital after the surgery, so I wrote this to share this. I leave this. It is a wise choice to choose another responsible hospital rather than a hospital that evades responsibility after the fact. Please spread the word about this hospital, where no one takes responsibility for scarring the eyes, which are the first thing we see when dealing with people. Especially the face. The doctors and officials at this hospital are very bad people with no conscience. Aesthetic improvement is a big deal. This hospital leaves scars just like mine every time I make eye contact with someone? Never, ever blindly trust a review just because it is good. Scars yourself and no one else. No one is responsible. Doctors, CEOs, and hospital staff are all bad people. There is also evidence that this doctor acknowledges the scar. They are a group that is incompetent and does not explain side effects properly, does not apologize, suddenly changes their words and has no sense of responsibility. If you are another consumer and choose this hospital, the same thing could happen and you will regret it. It leaves a raised scar on the skin above the double eyelid line, no apology, no compensation for improvement after leaving the scar (diagnosed by a dermatologist, to improve the scar, 10 or more treatments of 300,000 won each = must be treated at least 3 million won, and this number of times (It cannot be guaranteed that all treatment will improve) The doctor also injected medication to improve the scar, and gave an absurd answer that the scar was not within the range he could predict. Who on earth do patients trust to perform surgery? There was no sincere apology. So, I asked the doctor what he could do for me at the hospital, and he said that he couldn't remove the scars that had already formed. They say there is nothing they can do. No alternatives for active treatment of scars, such as compensation for treatment costs for laser treatment, were provided, and even when a refund was requested for only one eye, the patient stubbornly refused = In other words, the patient was not fully explained about the scars that even the doctor could not predict, Even if it is made, the patient must bear 100% of the nasal sinus side effects to improve it. In the case of the line, one side is distorted and the double eyelid is unnatural (regarding the line, the doctor said that he would perform reoperation by raising the line near the front of the eye = this is evidence that the doctor indirectly acknowledged that the surgery did not go well. However, even if the surgery is repeated, the existing distorted incision line will not disappear. I said I wouldn't do it (who would want to have double eyelid surgery with two lines on one side? Again, with a doctor who can't predict scars. I already paid 3 million won for the surgery alone, but who would make double eyelids with two lines?), so I did it. Instead of reoperation, I asked for a half refund for the scar and line reoperation on my left eye at another hospital, but the hospital stubbornly refused - their attitude was hostile.) Even if I apologized and paid a small amount of compensation, the estimate of the wound treatment cost was low. It costs so much that even half of the cost of the surgery is not worth it, so the head of the hospital keeps a straight face and tells me to do whatever I want. He went out of his way to tell me that there was a meeting internally that there was no need to compensate. There is evidence of the hospital's negligence, but the hospital shows such an irresponsible attitude. I went because the reviews looked good, but I regret it. For your information, do not overlook that the surgery reviews you most often refer to when choosing a hospital may be reviews written in exchange for a discount on the surgery fee. I hope our members are not as deceived as I was by the pre-surgery review photos. At the time of my consultation, this hospital had implemented a discount for writing a review, and the condition for receiving the discount for writing a good review was sending “original” photos of approximately 90 to 100 photos. And it's a 300,000 won discount. The conditions for the pre-surgery review discount were that I had to write several positive reviews to the hospital even after providing so many photos, which were my personal information, but I said I would not receive a review discount and paid the original amount of 3 million won. In summary, if you double-handed at this hospital, a scar may appear above your eye and the line on one side may be distorted, and you cannot expect compensation from the hospital for this scar. Even if the scar is prominent and raised like mine, the patient was not given sufficient explanation about the surgical risk before and after the surgery (since it was an unexpected risk that the doctor did not know about), and even if the scar does appear, the patient is said to be the only one to bear it. no see. I believe that more honest reviews like mine should be shared so that consumers can make wise decisions when choosing a hospital. Please be careful when choosing the doctor and hospital. To sum up my experience, 1) the doctor said that the side effects of scarring were not within the predictable range, and 2) the patient, who of course was not fully explained about the risk of the above side effects, ended up having side effects such as scars. 3) The hospital is an irresponsible hospital that does not compensate for treatment costs even if side effects occur and does not apologize.  I have extreme social phobia and want to commit suicide due to the hardship. Be sure to refer to how the hospital handles side effects before deciding on surgery. Your face is precious.

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24-02-14 13:30
Oh my gosh ㅠㅠ Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for such an honest review. I'm disappointed that the hospital is so irresponsible. I was worried about this too when I was getting my ectopic surgery. Thank you. I can't trust a place with a lot of reviews. I can't get a discount either.
24-02-09 22:49
ㅠㅜThe doctor's explanation wasn't enough, and the hospital was very irresponsible, so I posted this in hopes that there won't be more victims like me. Be careful when choosing a hospital. It hurts every time I look in the mirror every day. I didn't want to have any side effects from the surgery, so even though this place was expensive, it had good reviews and photos, so I took all that into account and paid 3 million won for it, thinking there would be no side effects - but the doctor didn't explain these side effects sufficiently, and there was no way to deal with the scarring and the line was only on one side. They said they would do the surgery again because it was a little dented, but they said the existing dented line would stay the same, but who wants to spend 3 million won to make two lines and have a scar? The doctor didn't really apologize and the hospital staff shamelessly accused me of it. They say in a mocking tone, “Do whatever you want. If you go to this hospital, you could end up like me. When choosing a hospital, if I were you, I wouldn’t go if there was even one review like this. I went to a plastic surgery clinic and paid money to get a scar.” Anyway, I trust this incompetent and irresponsible hospital. Looks like it's going to be a good idea. I need to know more about openings. I was interested in them too, but I know that they can easily cause cuts or scars. After all, reviews are just “pictures,” and reviews of articles that receive a review discount should usually only be good reviews. I don't know if this hospital does that, but I know that some other hospitals even edit photos a bit - you should be cautious about trusting photo reviews 100%. Never receive a discount when getting surgery, and check carefully to see if there are any reviews like this before surgery. If you look closely at the hospital's response methods, you will be able to choose a hospital you will be satisfied with and have a successful surgery without any regrets!
24-02-11 10:35
너무 진심 어린 조언 고마워 예사 ㅠㅠ 흉터 부작용 관련해서 올린 것도 너무 용기있는데, 진짜 트임이라도 쉽게 생각하면 안되겠다 .. 큰 돈 주고 유명 병원에서 했는데도 대처가 이러니 진짜 화가 나네 ㅠㅠ 재수술 하게 되더라도 안전하게 끝나길 바라 ..!! 글구 흉터에 더마틱스 .. 그거 바르는거 효과 좋다는 글을 봐서 참고해 ㅠㅠ
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용기있는 공유 감사합니다.
꼭 치료성공하시길 바래요
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병원 선택시 제 사례를 통해 도움이 되었으면 좋겠습니다. 말씀 감사드립니다
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네 그 원장 맞아요. 근데 원장이 누구인지가 중요한게 아니에요. 이 병원은 부작용이 이렇게 크게 났는데도, (제게흉터 관련 증거 다 있는데도) 사과나 보상없이 , 환불 절.대 못해준다고 오히려 저보고 하고싶은대로 마음대로 해보라고 도리어 큰소리 칩니다
적반하장도 유분수지..양심없는 병원이에요
24-02-13 19:18
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24-02-14 17:33
용기있는후기 감사합니다!
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감사합니다 병원 선택에 도움되었으면 좋겠습니다
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24-02-19 14:49
ㅠ많이 힘드시겠어요. 후기글 감사합니다.
저도 오늘 여기 상담받고 왔는데 원장님 성함알 수 있을까요?
24-02-23 18:47
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24-02-26 10:50
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24-03-22 15:31
후기 감사해요!
24-04-12 19:04
후기도 고맙고 어떤 방법으로든 꼭 다시 문제없는 상태로 회복되길 바래... 안좋은 생각 부디 하지말구..!!
24-04-16 16:11
너무 용기있는 글이다 bb
24-04-21 14:14
와 여기 코잘한다해서 알아보고있었는데
믿고 거를곳이네요
부작용생길수있고 잘못할순 있는데
저런식의 대처는 진짜 믿고 거르는게 답입니다
병원 선택에 도움주셔서 감사합니다
진짜 사후관리 확실한곳 가야해요
24-04-30 02:27
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-07-27 22:11
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-04-30 02:29
저도 후기 좋아보여서 갔는데
겹주름이라  라인 하나 그대로 하면되는 쉬운수술이라고 몇번이나 말씀하셔놓고
수술후 결과가 달라져 항의하니 제가 그랬나요 라고하는 무책임함에 재수술하고 싶지도 않고 그냥 나왔습니다
24-05-08 17:56
와..상담 받아볼까 했는데 걸러야겠네요..정보 감사합니다
24-05-19 03:21
헐..저 상담가는데요.상안검이요..병원대응이 심각하네요. 저 상담 같은분한테가요
24-06-07 13:36
후기 감사합니다...
24-06-29 18:19
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-07-12 15:21
하 ㅜ 너무 속상할거같아요
저도 여기 예약해놨는데... 원장명 알고싶어요ㅜ
취소할 의향도 있네요ㅜ
24-07-18 00:59
저 오늘 여기 눈 재수술 상담하고 왔는데 제 눈 보고도 어렵지 않은 눈이라고 했는데ㅠㅠ 원장명 알 수 있을까요?ㅠㅠ
24-07-19 20:29
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-07-25 00:32
원장 성함 궁금해요 알고 계신분 아무나 대답 해주세요 ㅜㅠ 저 곧 거기서 수술하는데 ㅜㅠ
24-07-26 20:27
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-08-08 09:58
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-08-11 23:20
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-08-17 23:50
원장님 정보좀요.. 머음고샹 심하셨겠어요 걸러야겠네요..
24-08-29 01:22
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-09-12 20:47
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-09-14 10:59
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