The hospital also recommended fat grafting, but it was a case of repositioning.
Rather than dark, my first priority was to get rid of the bulging fat that couldn't be covered up even with makeup. It's been there since I was young...
I live in a local area and I don't like being too bothersome, so I didn't do much and just went to about 3 famous places.
They all said similar things, so I just decided to be a teacher who made an impression.
But if I knew that I would lose weight all the time, I would have done it with Ji-i . However,
I am extremely satisfied with the procedure itself.
Looking at other reviews, it seems like I am very satisfied with the surgery. People around me don't know much.
Anyway, I don't have facial fat to begin with, but I've been losing weight recently, so I'm looking into fat grafting again.
This is helpful for those who are worried about the area under the eyes. I'll upload it to see if it works
I just felt uncomfortable putting fat from my hips or stomach under my thin eyes!! I'm also scared of fillersㅠㅠ I heard that the fat would fall out quickly and that I could do it later if I felt like it was necessary~ so I just did the repositioning ㅎㅎ
너무 잘되셨네요 ㅠ 저도 다크서클 어릴 때부터(ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ,,,,) 있고 화장한 게 낫긴 하지만 해도 안가려지는데 ㅠ 류석태원장님 맞을까요? 그리고 주변에서 알아보지는 못한다는 게 원래 평소에 다크 신경을 안 써서 모른다는 거일까요? 원래 그냥 이정도였지로 생각하는 느낌?
저도 사진이나 제가 봤을 때, 피부과같은데 갈 때 항상 다크 얘기 듣는데 오히려 오래된 친구들은 별 생각없어하던데 요 느낌..?
네 원장님맞아요!! 주변 사람들은 다크신경을 안써서 모른다는 말이었어요 수술전 사진보여주면 다 놀래요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 작은변화지만 효과는 큽니다 저도 오래된친구들은 다 별생각없어했는데 확실히 수술하고 수술전사진 보여주면 잘했다고 하더라구여 혹시 고민중이시라면 하루빨리 하시기를 추천드립니다…
정말 너무 잘되셨네요 ㅠㅠ 저는 망해서 재수술 알아보고 있는데, 재수술하면 눈 밑 살이 쳐질거라고 하더라고요.. 근데 전에 비해 후는 지방이 완전 싹 사라졌는데 어떻게 그렇게 탱탱하시죠?!!! 제가 괜한 고민을 하고있는건가요?! ㅠㅠㅠ 눈 살 처진대서 계속 재수술만 고민중입니다