It's already been 8 months since I had eye, nose, fat grafting, chin filler, and gravel chin botox surgery at Top Face.
It's been a lot longer than I thought..? These days, everyone I meet and my acquaintances who know what I looked like before the surgery say that
it looks really natural now, that my face looks like my original haha. They say things like this a lot.
It's not that one area is better, but it's all about the eyes and nose, and they want to have the surgery themselves because everything has improved so much. ..Where is the hospital?..I only heard things like that in the beginning after the surgery, but
I’m hearing things like that again these days!! That means the surgery went well ~~ I know this, but I feel proud that others also see it the same way... haha
I'm living with satisfaction ♡♡♡!