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[Double eyelid Incision] Day0 - Review of double eyelid incision + epicanthoplasty + eye correction

Date 24.01.07 00:59:47 View 2,522
유영선 의사님
226 만원

Hello everyone, I had a double attack yesterday afternoon!! I'm going to write down my double-wielding life story in as much detail as possible for people like me yesterday who are about to get double-wielded or who are thinking about it lol. Anyway, I'm bored because I'm double-wielding and have no place to go! By the way, I will continue to post photos of Ssangsu by collecting them by date~ 1) Before Ssangsu - I thought I should visit at least 5 places, so I made reservations at all the famous places, but after about 3 attempts, I found a hospital that I liked and chose that hospital. ! Among the things I thought were most important when choosing a hospital to work at, were there an anesthesiologists, was the basics well-equipped (the attitude of the doctors and managers, cleanliness, did the doctor's hands smell like cigarettes, etc.), and did they force excessive procedures or surgeries? The questions were whether or not they do it, whether CCTV can be opened in the event of an accident, and whether follow-up care is ensured! 2) On the day of double surgery - I arrived and confirmed the consultation I had received on the day with the director again, and received a brief explanation of the surgery. After that, I filled out the consent form for surgery, put on the surgery bracelet, put it away, took a picture, waited for a while, and went to the operating table. The doctor re-established the line correctly (it took about 10 minutes to do it carefully), and when I lay down on the operating table, the nurses fixed my arm. 3) Just before double-wielding - I was told not to strain my eyes because I was nervous as a tip to reduce bruising when double-wielding, but when I lay down on the operating table for no reason, my heart pounded so hard and my breath became shortㅠㅠ But if I get really nervous, it becomes difficult to even use the arm where I will inject the injection. It's really bad for my eyes, so I'd rather talk to the nurse and relax... This is a really cool tip!!!!!!!! 4) In the middle of double treatment - I stayed up all night the night before to avoid feeling pain by sleeping on purpose, but when I actually tried it, I didn't feel any pain due to the anesthesia. I slept for about 5 minutes under sedation before undergoing partial anesthesia! But I really recommend this,,, I checked it in the middle and redid the part that was slightly relieved under local anesthesia, and it was really, really, hell! That was the most painful part of the surgery. I turned my eye over and got the injection!! It was really painful even though it was done again while I was already anesthetized... .. And the part that was partially anesthetized doesn't hurt at all. There is pain, but it stings, it stings (it doesn't hurt more than when your eyelashes are pulled out with an eyelash curler. It's really ㄹㅇㄹㅇㄹㅇㄹㅇㄹㅇㄹㅇ) Local anesthesia is hell, guys.. Please.. Do the anesthesia first. .ㅠㅠㅠㅠ) Oh, and there is a smell of burning squid here and there. It seems like they are trying to stop the bleeding, but the smell is a bit unpleasant. Um, and it makes a really crunchy sound, but it's not as creepy as you might think, and the first needle?? They do the same thing and apply force to the eye here and there, but if you get used to it, it will be comfortable throughout the surgery (it doesn't hurt and gives you a lot of strength). Other than that, they wake me up from time to time, look at the doctor's eyebrows, and tell me to close and open them, and they even fold the operating table and make me sit down to check. There was no big event other than that! I was fortunate that the doctor and nurse got along well, so we chatted well throughout the surgery, so I wasn't scared or nervous at all... 5) After finishing my double hand , the doctor gave me a mirror and said that my speech had improved. He told me about the precautions and left. Then, the nurse helped me and moved me to the ward. I was lying down the whole time, so I was shaking. He asked me if I wanted to lie down and do some healing therapy and an IV, plus something to help reduce swelling, and I did this. I got the IV treatment right where I was lying down and the healing treatment was done on a different floor. While I was receiving treatment, my guardian received prescriptions for medication. And after finishing, the pain is like a paper cut that keeps throbbing (a bit like menstrual cramps) and it feels like it's throbbing. It's not really painful, but you know that annoying feeling?? That's exactly the feeling... If you're not under anesthesia when you go, you can just go alone, but it's much better to have a guardian with you, so if you can, make sure you go! 6) Now - I feel like I can't focus right now, maybe because of the swelling, but it doesn't really hurt anywhere, I guess it's just because the swelling is covering my eyes..?? The writing is blurring ㅠㅠ It’s like I’m cross-eyed... Anyway, I’ll try it tomorrow too, let’s all become prettier!! Good night, ladies!

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Cmts 18
I have a question, everyone.
24-01-07 01:00
It went so well ㅜㅜ I’m wondering
24-01-07 01:01
Thank you ㅠㅠㅠ
24-01-07 01:04
I will do it soon too, I will keep it in mind, thank you!! ㅠㅠ
24-01-07 03:10
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-01-07 09:30
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-01-07 17:57
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-01-07 09:41
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-01-07 17:57
흉터는 어떤 거 같아??
24-01-07 14:05
일단 봤을때 절개치고 이렇다할 큰 흉터는없는것같아, 어쩔 수 없이 흉은 남겟지만~~ 그래도 흉터연고 따로 챙겨주셨고 그거 실밥제거후 일주일 뒤에 바르라고 알려주셨어

또 앞트임한부분은 살이 여리고 얇아서 흉이 진게 보일수도 있다고하셨는데 몇주 지나면 또 괜찮아 진다고하셨어
24-01-07 17:56
이 게시판은 60일당 한번씩만 쓸 수있다고 해서 나머지는 성형토크에다가 올릴겡! 프로필누르고 게시글 더보기해서 들어와!

음 그리고 너무 특정병원 홍보같을까봐 병원정보는 비댓으로 알려줄게!
24-01-07 20:26
부분마취 진짜 아프지ㅠㅠ 고생했어! 잘 돼서 다행이당
24-01-07 22:42
24-01-07 23:39
24-01-08 11:39
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 고마웡!!
24-01-08 15:28
붓기 빠지면 예쁘겠다!!
24-01-08 14:04
지금도 많이 빠졌어!!
24-01-08 15:28
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-01-26 14:54
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