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[etc] 10th day of partial incision double treatment. Lines, thickness, uneven asymmetry...

Date 23.10.26 16:33:15 View 1,078
During days

Current status: I wanted a natural, cool line, and it's been 10 days since I had a double inline partial incision. From the day of surgery, it looks like the lines and thickness were all evenly matched, and the swelling is going down just like the line created on the day... Aside from the swelling and bruising, the line design is great. It seems like both sides are treated differently, but I don't know if this will get better over time. I don't think the swelling has anything to do with the designed line. Since it was my first surgery, I had no regrets even though the price was high. I had the surgery done by the representative director at a hospital in Gangnam . I received it, but I was very anxious about the results... I was trying to believe that I would have done well, but I was very anxious and wanted to get feedback, so I contacted the director to see if I could make a short consultation appointment with the doctor in charge, but he said that the orbital bone is asymmetric in each person, so it looks asymmetrical now. They said it would take a month before I could see it, so I said I would understand, but no matter how I look at it, it seems like the line itself is asymmetrical. What do the officials think when they see it? And as shown in the last photo, when you squint your eyes, does the double eyelid of one eye feel pulled? Only one eye has a prominent depression. I've been wondering if this was sewn incorrectly during the surgery, why this phenomenon occurred, and whether it will go away over time. Are there any people who have experienced something similar to mine ? The line design is the same as it was on the day of surgery and the swelling is going down. I want to know if this will become the same over time, and why the sunken part is like that and whether it will disappear over time.. Do I need to have a reoperation ? Is it..? I would like to ask you about your experience.

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