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[Opening] The side effects after eye tail lowering surgery (posterior canthoplasty surgery) are so severe.

Date 23.10.24 22:47:40 View 3,454
During days

On April 27th, I had surgery to lower the corners of my eyes for 2,500,000 won. I told the manager in charge that I should not look unnatural due to the nature of my job. He also told me that I only had time for about a month, so he sweetly told me that in a month's time, I would be able to work like before and that I would be told that I looked prettier. The surgery date was set a few days later and I went into the operating room. I asked the director to make it look natural, but the surgery was excessive, so the corners of my eyes changed into a face that looked overly resentful instead of like a puppy dog's eyes. My eyes were itchy due to excessive exposure of the mucous membrane, and when I woke up, my eye mucosa had a yellowish appearance. My eyelashes are puffy every day. The left eyelash under my eye keeps sticking out and pricking my eye, making my eye feel itchy. They say the surgery went well and will go down over time, but it's been 6 gals and it hasn't come down at all. The eyelashes keep pricking my eyeball, making my eye sting and hurting, so I'm scared that my vision will go down. They say that looking unfair will get better with time, but as time goes by, the skin gets bigger and different from the first time, it's becoming more and more U-shaped, so it extends over the lower left eyelash and pokes at my eye. I went to the hospital for the second month and heard so many disgusting things that they said I thought I was going to go mental. I asked them to restore it again because they said it couldn't be done. They restored it again on July 1st. 8 days later, on the day of stitching removal, the mucous membrane was visible due to anxiety, and the cut part was also visible on the right side. They said it was because of swelling and that it would get better with time, but they asked if it was not visible and that it might be opening up. When I asked, the director said it would never happen. But on July 18th, I felt like something had fallen on me and the corners of my eyes were wide open. The eye puffiness also got worse. I was anxious because I thought it had opened up, so I called the hospital and two days later, the director said Even though I was getting a progress check, I was anxious, so I got sick in 5 places over the course of 2 days, but they said that the exposure of the mucous membrane in 5 places was a mark caused by excessive surgery, and that it was also true that it had opened up. They also said that the vertical scars did not go away and would remain for the rest of my life. They cut the fascial ligaments and They said that even after surgery and restoration, it will continue to widen in an L shape. As time passes, unless the restoration is performed again, the exposed mucous membrane (red skin) will continue to be visible, and five hospitals have told me that this is a side effect caused by not performing the restoration properly. The eyelash extension phenomenon is also a side effect of surgery, so to get rid of the eyelash extension phenomenon, an additional surgery to lower the eyelashes is required, and the cost of the surgery is additional. I was unable to work for 3 months and wasted time. The director said via KakaoTalk that the mucous membrane was not exposed and that it was because of swelling. They just kept repeating it over and over again, so I asked if they would do it again if my mucous membranes were exposed even after a month, and they said I would have to restore it again. I wonder if they were telling me to stay hidden at home for another 4 months... I was angry and upset, so I talked to the manager about it. Anyone can see the disgusting red flesh and bulge in the back, but if you don't tell me anything else, it's all over. I told you that I can't do my job if the mucous membrane is clearly visible, so you asked me to block it all, right? I have to rebuild again, but 4 months have been lost. I'm sorry for raising my voice at the manager earlier, but since he is an employee who worked at A, isn't it the hospital's responsibility? I kept saying that I was at my limit right now and that my mucous membrane would definitely be visible, but it was the hospital's fault for making time go by because of the swelling, so I don't want to fight in any other way, so please talk to the director about the refund. I said I can't rebuild here, so he called . The legal team said it was similar to a threat, and that if the university hospital brought back a certificate saying that our hospital was at fault, they would send the documents to the legal team for a refund. I was unable to work and was under mental stress, so I was taking tranquilizers. This hospital had all my flesh cut out like that, so I had an eye. It's not that I can't work because it's weird, and I'm not asking for compensation for the damage. When I had surgery at this hospital, they made vertical knife marks and scars, and they cut out all of my flesh and exposed my mucous membrane. There's not a single apology for that. In fact, I'm referring to the legal team. Because I couldn't do it, I suffered a lot of financial losses. I went to a consultation at another hospital and was shown a photo of someone else. He also showed me a photo saying that he had a reconstructive surgery at our hospital because of a mistake in A. The surgery was done in the same way as if he had eaten the flesh like me, and the mucous membrane was exposed. It's so sad that it's as bad as mine. It's already been 4 months since I had the restoration, but my eyes are U-shaped, and as the swelling goes down, the eyes look more and more sunken. Since the restoration was also done in pairs, my left eye looks more saggy and my eye is black. It looks like it's turned inside out, and the shape of my eyes is so different from before that I can't help but wish I could turn back time. All I have left now are slit eyes, deformed U-shaped eye corners, cut scars on both sides vertically from my fascia ligament rupture and surgery, and red scars. As a side effect of the surgery, my mucous membrane was exposed, my eyes looked yellow when I woke up, and the corners of my eyes lowered, I kept pricking my eyes with my left eyelash extension, so the area under my eyes was so sore and sore that I had to pour saline solution in from time to time.

다시웃고싶어요's More Posts
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에고 속상하다 힘내 예사야
23-10-24 23:30
이 병원 되게 과교정 후기 많던데 아이고... 내가 다 속상하다 힘내자 진짜!!
23-10-25 00:08
ㅠㅠ…… 속상하겠다… 힘내!!!…
23-10-25 00:21
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-10-25 04:24
ㅠㅠ 나도 뒷,밑트임 하려했었는데 하지말아야겟다
23-10-25 09:49
아이고.... 마음고생많겠다ㅠㅠ 나도 참고해서 알아봐야겠다..
23-10-25 10:39
헐 ㅜㅜ
23-10-25 13:30
나도 뒤틈하고 후회중인데 남얘기같지가 않다 ㅜㅜ
23-10-25 13:48
하 ㅠ ㅠ나는 다붙어서 문제야 ..
23-10-25 14:22
뒤밑트 하고 싶었는데ᆢ맘 접어야겠다
예사 힘내!!
23-10-25 16:30
헐 ㅜㅜ 트임이 부작용이 많더라고요 ㅜㅜㅜㅜ힘내세요
23-10-25 20:08
저는 복원했오요!! 맘에들어요
23-10-26 08:41
아구 어뜨케 힘내예사... 할말이 이런거밖에없네
23-10-26 10:23
와 이건 너무한데 .
23-10-26 15:08
세상에 이거 복원 하는게 좋을듯 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
23-10-28 05:15
아고 어떡해ㅠㅠㅠ
23-10-29 17:07
T____T cheer up!! may i know the name of the hospital please?
23-11-11 06:50
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-11-11 07:33
저도 뒷밑 트임을 해서, 뒷밑 트임 느낌을 아는데, 이렇게 뒷밑트임 한곳은 처음 봐요.  마음고생많으시겠네요. ㅠ ㅠ 복원 잘 되길 바랄게요.
23-12-28 01:05
TS Plastic Surgery
hospital info
대표원장님 상담받았고 스텝들이 많아서 그런지 예약도 대기도 뭔가 빠릿빠릿한 느낌 대기는 좀 있었으나 적당히 하고 상담받음 눈위꺼짐이 생겨서 상담받았는데 예상치못한 두따 견적을 받음 화려한 세미아웃이 내 얼굴에 안어울린다고 라인 낮춰서 인아웃 추천.. 앞도 너무 트였다고 복원까지 얘기하셨는데 내미감이랑은 너무 달라서 마냥 기분좋지는 않았음 상담받는다고 화장도 안하고 간건데 화장하면 라인도 잘 안보이는 상태라 그상태로 두따하면 5년내에 라인 묻혀서 나중엔 라인 올리기도 힘들거라 예상 자연스러운 미감 좋아하는 사람은 뭐 좋아할듯~... 나랑은 추구미가 안맞는걸로 (두줄따기 라인낮추기+눈위지방재배치+지방이식)견적가
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