Job Review

[Double eyelid Incision] Partial incision, fat removal, lower eyelid

Date 23.10.19 01:12:53 View 2,550
During days
22 Days

*Please note that the post-surgery review may not be as dramatic as others, as it is 70% for medical purposes! 1. Criteria for selecting a hospital: Since both my upper and lower eyelashes were curled and my pupils were pierced, the first priority was a hospital that would allow me to undergo treatment at the same time. Also, I did not enter large hospitals as an option because I was afraid of proxy surgery and shadow surgery, and I thought that the doctor's experience was really important, so I deliberately looked for a specialist with more than 10 years of experience. I have received counseling from other places, but this was the most reliable counseling. He looked at my eyes for detail, firmly cut out what didn't work and told me only what was necessary. And I think that a doctor's skills are important, but character is also important, right? But when I saw the interview video from the hospital, I thought it was okay. There are many doctors who are rude to the staff in the operating room, but when I was operating, the nurse who was holding my eyes said, ‘You are the most important person here.’ I felt like he respected the staff. I think patients are constantly looking for me because I have skills, but also personality. Oh, and when I looked at it, it was a hospital that many people came to after referral after referral, so I had more trust in it. 2. Surgery method : fat removal, point incision (this was the only hospital that said it could do partial incision), and lower eyelid surgery. It seemed like it took about 2 hours (originally I expected it to be 2 hours and 30 minutes) 3. Aftereffects of the surgery Once I was under local anesthesia, I could feel everything... It felt like I was having surgery. I could hear the doctor's voice... and it hurt. Immediately after the surgery, my eyes were very swollen, and when I went to disinfect them on the second day, I could still see a little bit... To get rid of the swelling, I slept sitting up, continued applying compresses, and went for a lot of walks. The hospital told me that since it was a partial incision, the swelling would subside in about a month. And the funny thing is, I have a lot of fat on my eyelids, so I can't feel the pupils. I only felt the flesh around my eyelids, but since the fat was removed, I can now feel the pupils of my eyes. In a circle. It was amazing. 4. Surgery progress photos Before surgery > Immediately after surgery > 3 photos 1 week after surgery > Last photo 2 weeks later Next time, I will bring photos a month later 5. Reactions from those around me My co-workers went there after Chuseok and they were all surprised that the swelling wasn't as much as expected. After seeing it, everyone said it came naturally. My younger siblings also said that their eyes got big when they saw it lol and that they should have gotten double eyelids sooner. People who want dramatic change may not sympathize with my writing. However, I am glad that I have solved the problem of eyelashes piercing my eyes and have double eyelids as a bonus. After getting my eyes done, I wanted to get my nose done... This hospital seems to be good at rhinoplasty... If you're thinking about getting rhinoplasty, get a consultation. Even for a conservative person like me, it was a hospital that reminded me of my nose after seeing my eyes. But I stop here. I recommend K Plus Plastic Surgery.

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