It's a picture from the 3rd day, but first of all, it's so pretty that only the eyes are visible.
Originally, I had a non-incisional canthoplasty before, but I was a little pissed off because the doctor in charge didn't tell me that I quit
. He did it...
I think he didn't overdo it.
He was kind. The first
day was painful enough to
make me want to. I thought it was bleeding for 2 weeks, but one eye was already damaged and it
was cold for 5 days, but only the other side remained.
시린건 맞는거같아 눈이 피로하니까 전체적으로 강제적으로 빨리 자게되서 7시 기상 저녁 9시 꿈나라 일주일정도 반복하다가 오늘 ufc본다고 지금까지안잤더니 눈이 시려워서 계속 오른쪽 왼쪽 눈 번갈아 가면서 한쪽눈으로 뜨고있게됭...
실밥뽑는건 사실 나 교통체증때문에 늦어서 가자마자 화장실 안가고 실밥뽑았는데 배출욕구가 강해서 그런가 조금 덜 아팠어 한쪽은 꽤 아푸당... 이랬는데 반대편은 낫고있느라 간지러웠어서 은근 마지막가닥 자를땐 시원한느낌.. 화장실갔다가 뽑았으면 정말 고통이었을꺼같아