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[Revision Surgery] From in-out line to out and back to in-out haha

Date 23.08.02 19:41:40 View 2,448
400 만원
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218 Days

Originally, I had a thin in-out line, but my skin is thin and I have a lot of double wrinkles, so when my eyes swell, the line disappears. At that time, I wanted to raise the line slightly, so I did some digging and found one at a hospital that said it was cheap and could be done without an incision. However, I prefer a natural look, but it left marks. It seems to have gone well with no silver lining left, but I don't like it because the line is too thick ㅠㅠ It seems like I didn't communicate well with the doctor and had the surgery... I definitely asked for a slightly higher opinion, but it turns out that the hospital itself is good at flashy things haha. The lines were thick and not my taste, so I started looking for a hospital where I ended up getting off.. I was really wondering what I was doing with my eyes ㅠㅠㅠ I spent as much money as I could.. When it's your first time, choose the hospital carefully. Do a lot of research ㅠ-ㅠ.. Communicate with the doctor too. I really need to do it well and go to the Shusulsil.. A friend of mine said that she had succeeded in getting her double eyelids lowered, so I saw the picture and liked it so I decided to go. I received consultation before expansion and made a reservation for surgery after expansion, but the price went up tremendously. ㅠㅠ Still, the double suture line kept bothering me and I wanted to get it lowered, so I had it done, but it was an incision. There are more marks than pinches, and I'm anxious that if I lower my eyelids too much and my eyelids sag, I'll have to have surgery again, haha. The double wrinkles are gone and my taste is not flashy, so I'm very satisfied!!!!

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Cmts 15
You can reduce big couples!
23-08-03 02:18
Natural and so pretty!!
23-08-03 02:32
It looks really good because it looks natural and becomes thinner!
23-08-03 11:10
How much did it cost?
23-08-03 12:43
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23-08-21 00:10
아뇽!! ㅎㅎ 압구정 에 있는병원 이얐오요
23-08-21 00:12
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-08-28 21:49
23-09-05 22:03
나도 자연스러운 걸 추구하는데 ..!
23-09-07 06:41
하고나니까 더 자연스러워진거같아요!
23-09-08 06:16
훨씬 자연스럽고 예쁘다!!
23-09-12 00:04
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-09-14 09:16
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