I prayed and prayed for the swelling to go away, but as soon as the swelling in one eye went down, I saw that the
next one was still the same.. Every time I take a picture, the asymmetrical line becomes more visible..
I feel depressed every evening
. Your eyes were so pretty before, but I regret it hehe
Ying... I didn't know anything strange!
If it's because the line goes up too much, I'd rather have round eyes like that ,, ㅜ I like it though!
Don't get too stressed.
라인은 진짜 예쁜데? 라인은 약간 높게 잡은거 같은데 붓기 다 빠지면 예쁠거같은데..근데 부분절개 아니고 매몰이야?? 그리고 붓기가 좀 있는 편이긴 한데 붓기 늦게 빠지는 사람도 많아서 벌써 그리 심각하게 생각하진 않아도될듯.. 붓기는 나는 저거보다 훨씬 더 짝짝이였고 점막들림도 약간 있었는데 나중가면 똑같아지고 사라졌어..나는 오히려 붓기가 너무 빨리 빠져서 속쌍이돼서 재수술 예정이야.. 자리 잡으면 예뻐질거같으니까 불안해하지마,,!