Job Review

[Double eyelid Incision] Incision + upper canthoplasty + fat removal

Date 23.06.14 00:43:37 View 1,558
During days

Review of footsteps At the two hospitals I wanted to do the most, I was beaten up and collapsed. They said that double eyelids would come out well with a canthoplasty and a little fat removal, so I made an appointment and had the surgery. As a condition of writing a review, I was able to do it at a lower cost than I thought. Before the surgery, I thought that I should discuss the design clearly in case I couldn't deliver my needs to the doctor, and I looked for data and pictures all week, and did everything. What I want is 1. Line: A semi-out slightly raised from in-out. The line at the front of the eyes should be slightly raised, and the line at the back should naturally be wider than the space between the front hair and the eyes, but it should not look puffy and fall out naturally. 2. Line height: My eyes are protruding, and the distance between my eyebrows and eyes is narrow, so high lines don't suit me, but low lines are buried well. The line should be neither too low nor too high. 3. Fat removal: Because it is a protruding type, I am worried that my eyes will go swollen later when removing it. Fat should be minimally removed. This is it, but when I entered the operating room, I couldn't say a single word. The reason is because the doctor said everything I wanted to say before I even said anything, and then the line I caught was exactly what I wanted. I said exactly what I was thinking, with no difference of opinion. I'm honestly a bit surprised. I woke up after 5 minutes of sleep anesthesia, but I was a bit gibberish while waking up. There was one nurse, but that nurse was so cheap. The way he spoke was like my younger brother. I feel like I want to stab him in the back. It was like a younger brother talking to an older sister. The head of the office and the director are nice, but the nurse is too cheap. (By the way, I don't know who it was on the call team, but none of the counselors were rude and sighed while talking. The other counselors were ok, but only that person was rude. Oh, and one of the desk staff besides the director was a bit harsh. Before the surgery, I was still anxious and nervous . But, this kind of response makes people sensitive.) There is nothing scary about the surgery itself. comfort. Perhaps because it was a strange experience, the sound of scissors, the feeling of threading, and the smell of burning flesh were all rather fun than creepy. It takes 2 hours to design and combine the operation time. Honestly, the design and surgery didn't feel like it took two hours, so I wondered if I was lying down for about 20 minutes instead of 5 minutes under anesthesia. Time goes by that fast. It was fine right after the surgery, but after about an hour, the burning sensation in my eyes was no joke. As the anesthesia wears off, the pain comes, and even the touch of the wind feels like being cut with a knife. It seemed like it was burning, and I thought it would be a big deal if this pain continued at night. But after about three hours, the pain became tolerable. I guess my body has adapted. After a week, the stitches will be removed, and the review will come down again.

알랄랄랄's More Posts
Cmts 8
Oh, the lines look clean....??
23-06-14 07:32
I'm glad, thank you
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기대중이야 ㅎㅎ
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실밥 제거하고 써올게 ㅎㅎ
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라인 깔끔하고 비대칭도 없고 잘되셨네요 축하드려요
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고마워 ㅎㅎ
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NEET Plastic Surgery
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여러 병원을 둘러보고 제일 잘 맞는 곳이라는 생각에 수술까지 했어 ㅎㅎ 시설도 깔끔해서 좋았고 스탭분들도 친절하셔서 첫인상부터 맘에 들었움! 상담도 자세하게 해주셔서 더욱 믿음이 갔었고 내가 질문이 많은 편인데도 다 답변해주셨던 기억이 있어서 여러모로 좋았어 나는 낮은 콧대, 코끝을 높이고 복코와 매부리 교정 (재료는 실리콘, 비중격연골, 귀연골 사용) 이렇게 수술을 진행했는데 코수술이 첨이라 그런가 긴장이 많이 됐었거든… 근데 수술방분들께서 너무 친절하셔서 안심하고 수술에 들어갔어 ㅋㅋ 진짜 친절하심 수술 후에도 상담, 관리 부분에서 부족한 점이 없다고 느꼈고 개인적으로 굉장히 만족스러워 지금 수술한지 한 3주 좀 넘었는데 라인도 마음에 들고 확실히 자연스러운 코 전문이시라고 느꼈어 ㅎㅎ 자연스러운 코 좋아하고 자세한 상담 원하면 추천해
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