I had double surgery in early April!!!!!
When I was young, I had it buried in the neighborhood, but
one side came loose, so I retouched it in the same place? I received it
through a partial incision, but
it was made completely larger in the front and smaller in the back,
making the line uneven and
even creating a bulge in the front, making it look disfigured.
The swelling was so bad that
the eyelids turned purple,
probably because the eye fat had been removed,
and I had to wear a panda for several months.
As time went by,
the bruises disappeared and my skin color died, like a brown shadow. I
lived like that for a few years, and
it gradually became lighter and settled, but
as the weight sagged, my eyelids seemed to go down, covering them even more.
Every time I take a picture, I feel stressed when I look at my eyes
!!!!! !
It's okay if you wear makeup and contact lenses, but
when your eyes are straight, they're saggy? Uneven lines? This looked so serious.
Then, when my friend was looking for eye surgery,
I chose
Eye Contact Plastic Surgery Clinic, which had the best consultation reviews among hospitals.
My friend had double eyes with large eyes,
but since she had double eyes, I went for a consultation.
During the consultation, Dr. Seok-Hyeon Lee said that she
did the surgery. They told me to go because they didn't have it. LOL
I chose it because of their honest appearance.
Is it excessive treatment? I liked it more because it was n't anything
too fancy
and it was a style that pursues naturalness.
The counselor was also good, so I was more attracted to it and ended
up signing the contract. Anyway, I was afraid of having to have a second surgery, but
I thought it was the last time and did it.
The results came out really well and
it only lasted a month. There isn't much swelling ㅜㅜㅜ
I'm a person with really severe swelling, so
how can I not have this much??
I guess there is a reason why hospitals are doing well haha.
와 라인을 좀 높인건가? 절개인데 눈썹사이 가까워진다고 보통 라인 높게 안해주던데ㅠㅠ
전 높은 라인 원하는데.. 눈썹사이 공간없다고 해서 어떻게 할지 발품 파는중인데
눈매교정했는도 라인이 어떻게 잘 보이게 한거야? 낮춘건 같지 않구.. 알려줘ㅠㅠ!
아이컨택에서 라인 이쁘게 나왔네 축하해 부러워
무슨말인지 몰라서 인터넷검색해봤네요
-> 아래 글을 읽어보니 저는 절제를 했나보네요
두줄따기는 기존라인 흉이 남아있는거라고하는데 기존라인은 없어요!!
쌍꺼풀 라인이 과하게 높아 속눈썹 위의 피부가 소세지 같이 두꺼운 눈을 소세지눈이라고 합니다. 소세지눈으로 인해 재수술을 할 때는 두줄따기, 절제 등의 수술 방법을 고려하게 됩니다. 이때 쌍꺼풀의 높이, 고정의 깊이보다 피부 여유분이 얼마나 되는지를 먼저 따지는 것이 필요합니다.
쌍꺼풀 재수술 시 기존의 라인 아래에 새로운 라인을 만드는 피부 절제 방식을 진행합니다. 반면, 두줄따기는 기존 라인의 유착을 풀고 새로운 라인을 형성하는 방식입니다. 이 때문에 흉이 두 줄로 남을 수 있다는 단점이 있습니다. 두줄따기를 하면 안 되는 눈은 없지만, 굳이 두줄따기를 해서 흉을 두 줄로 만들 필요도 없는 것입니다. 피부 여유가 충분하다면 절제를 선택할 것을 권합니다.
수술 전·후 또는 후기를 보면서 소세지눈 재수술을 고려하고 있다면 자신의 상태를 정확하게 아는 것이 중요합니다. 절제 후기라고 하더라도 실제로는 두줄따기 방법이 함께 진행된 사례일 수 있기 때문입니다. 높은 라인을 낮추는 수술은 대개 부분적으로라도 두줄따기 방법을 병행하는 사례가 최근 증가하고 있는 추세입니다.