For several years, I've been worried about wrinkled eyes... Originally, my eyes had thin inner double eyelids, but one day, another wrinkle appeared on the top and it didn't go away. I feel like I'm having a hard time ㅠㅠ Since then,
I've been going to several hospitals with my eyes open, and in the case of double wrinkles, there are many hospitals that recommend additional things such as fat repositioning and ptosis correction, saying that incisions should be made. There are only two hospitals that say that only burial is possible. Director Lee Iwa-baek confidently said that burial was possible enough, so I decided to have the surgery here, and he held the line very naturally as I wanted. Even the people around you don't know unless you tell them, and your friends say it's just your eyes, it's really good haha I look older because of my double wrinkles and it was hard to open my eyes, but my impression has definitely improved. Satisfied hahaha
Even now, it's been 4 months since the surgery, people around me forgot about the surgery, they complimented me saying it was completely natural.