It's the 9th day since the natural adhesion + upper canthoplasty surgery.. I'm worried that the line will be higher than expected, so I'm worried that it might become a sausage.. I said I have slightly protruding eyes. The real thing is really unnatural.. Is
there anyone who can watch the line? Also, when
I look at it from the side, my eyelids are bulging, so I don't know if this is swelling or if it can't be helped by just holding the line
high .
노노노 9일이면 저정도면 붓기 많지않고 라인 진짜 잘잡혔다 9일차에 자연스러우면 나중에 속쌍돼 !! 진짜 잔붓기 솔직히 1년반 2년까지도 빠져 나 3년됐는데 첨에 예사보다 멍 붓기 훨씬 심했는데 지금 진짜 딱 !!! 자연스럽게 예뻐. 주변 봐도 한두달차에 자연스럽고 이쁘면 2-3년 지나서 너무 얇아지더라