Job Review

[Double eyelid Incision] Busan Ssangsu 3rd year

Date 23.02.26 20:57:01 View 3,560
200 만원
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1095 Days

I had surgery in Busan, and I went to Seomyeon ㄴㅂㄹㅅ, ㄴand one more. It's been a while so I don't remember.. I just went to a place I saw... ㅋㅋㅋ ㄴㅂㄹㅂ couldn't get a consultation because I had to make a reservation for the consultation fee of 10,000 won, and ㅎㄴ was consulted by the director first. It was my first experience with plastic surgery without even looking it up on the internet, but the director , who was neither a doctor nor a nurse, explained it to me, so what was it? As soon as he looked at my eyes, he said that all he needed to do was incisions and epicanthoplasty. I think the price was 90 or so. Then, a close friend of mine at work recommended it to me, so I went to Kyungsung University and went to Kyungsung University. I consulted with the doctor right away and he liked this. As soon as he looked at my eyes, he said it would be pretty if I had a double eyelid. Praise for your face..? I felt good about having it done haha. I needed to have my eyelids corrected because of my ptosis, and I had Mongolian folds on the incision, so I made an appointment right away because they said epicanthoplasty would look more natural. Now, I have some scars in the epicanthoplasty area, but I really like the double pair. The director said it looked natural. I was pursuing it so much that they said it wouldn't be big enough, but the swelling went down and it became a little thinner, which is a bit disappointing, but I still have no regrets and am satisfied! Then, in my second year, I thought my eye was bulging, so I went to the hospital, and the director was very kind and checked. He said it was allergies and gave me an allergy shot without charging any money, but it was correct and the couple came back.. haha ​​I like Jung Woo-chang! The people at the counter there are all pretty and friendly.

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