It's been a little over 3 weeks since I had double eyelid surgery, epicanthoplasty, and eye correction.
I had a strong feeling that my eyes looked stuffy due to the fact that I was truly matchless, but even though it's only been 3 weeks, my impression looks different and the difference in eye size is really big haha.. Maybe it's because I used buried surgery. There was no pain or bruising other than normal swelling. In the beginning, I felt like my eyes were crowding because of the swelling, but gradually the swelling went down and I felt like I had the line I wanted, so I'm really satisfied!!! This is a before and after photo of my double eyelid, and the after photo is a photo I took yesterday with makeup on and with my camera. Once the slight puffiness disappears, I think my eye line will look just like the one I had with the doctor for the first time!! very satisfied satisfied