Job Review

[Double eyelid Burial] Review of double eyelid entropion

Date 23.02.08 14:50:18 View 1,320
60 만원

I had suffered from entropion of the eyelids for a long time since I was a child and was contemplating double eyelid surgery. Since this was the only place in Daejeon at the time where there was a doctor specializing in ophthalmology and minor plastic surgery, I chose this hospital and had the surgery. The total price was 60, but insurance covered the total. It only cost 20! I wanted to go to an ophthalmologist because I needed to improve my ophthalmic symptoms, but I was also looking for a plastic surgeon, so I decided to go here and proceed with the surgery. As a result, my double eyelids were completely resolved in less than a year. I was unable to have a reoperation because they said a reoperation was only possible within a month. .. When I heard about the 1 month reoperation, I should have gone somewhere else right away, but I was young and wanted to ease the financial burden on my parents, so I went to an ophthalmology clinic that was covered by insurance. Among my friends, there were a few who did really well at the ophthalmology clinic, so I also have a good awareness of ophthalmology. It was easy... Rather than saying that it failed because it was an ophthalmology clinic, I think it was resolved quickly due to the doctor's tendency and my fear. I did n't want to show any signs of pain, so I asked them to make it look natural, and the doctor also strongly wanted it to be not visible, and said he wouldn't have the surgery unless that was the case. After it was resolved, I thought it was a good idea to do it in a flashy way ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Everyone knows anyway.. Most people in their early 20s or late teens will have it done, but I hope that people in this age group will definitely go with their parents and think about it clearly. Revision surgery costs more money. So I hope I can do it right away.

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