Hello, everyone. I am a person who had entropion (lower eyelid) + epicanthoplasty + double incision + eye correction two months ago. I had my eyelid entropion done because my lower eyelashes were curled. I hope you understand even if Korean grammar isn’t right for you because you’ve lived abroad for a long time!
Before surgery, my eyes were a bit wild. Because my bangs were pointed and my eye opening was weak, I had a habit of raising my eyebrows. The inner double foliage was also thin and even. I have a very Asian(?) face, so I wanted natural eyes that matched my face rather than flashy eyes. But I thought it would be nice if the eyes were a little bigger.
Surprisingly, the hospital directors said my eyes were not small. I never thought about that while living abroad, so I’m glad I did.
< 30,000 miles to find a hospital >
Yes, yes… I didn't know there were so many plastic surgery clinics in Korea haha. When I went to Gangnam, there were plastic surgery clinics in several buildings. How does everyone make money? I woke up and watched Seongyesa + YouTube + Gangnam Unnie and selected 5 hospitals. We filtered out hospitals and factories with many problems and blacklists posted by others. The reviews on Seongyesa were very helpful (thank you, voila).
For consultations, I went to Sinsa Station ㄱㅊㅅ, Gangnam Station ㄷㄹ, ㅇㅍ, ㅇㄷ Apgujeong ㅁㅊㅍ. What made me feel like I really needed to go to a lot of consultations - 2 places recommended burial, and 3 places (including the one I had) recommended double incision surgery. Because my eyelids have some fat.
Surprisingly, ㅁㅊㅍ told me not to say that upper/front epicanthoplasty will make my eyes look fiercer - but other plastic surgeons say that upper surgery can make my eyes soft enough.
As a result, double incision + top opening was done in ㄱㅎㅅ.
Factory The points were that they were paid a salary (no pushiness at all and they were honest), that they met with the director for consultation, and that a lot of old women also went there (it was operated through referrals).
(1 hour preparation + 2 hours surgery + 1 hour rest, total 4-5 hours)
I had the surgery under sedation and local anesthesia. So I fasted for 3 hours before surgery. Definitely. Definitely. Definitely! Eat breakfast and then have surgery. The surgery time was long, so I was hungry afterwards. The director had to check whether the lines were well drawn during the surgery and whether enough fat was removed during the entropion surgery, so I kept opening and closing my eyes. I have anesthesia... They said it was a case of it going well (hey, this body), so they added local anesthesia twice during the surgery ^^ There was a separate anesthetist and a nurse. During the surgery, I felt like the director was chatting with me and was really thorough... I open and close my eyes so many times that I feel like I wish they would just screw me up later.
Avoid eating salty, greasy, and fattening foods and take a walk for 1 hour every day. Sit instead of lying down and sleep on multiple sides when sleeping. The important thing in Japan is being patient as it will take time!
After leaving the country for two months, I met friends. My friends became prettier, but I didn't know what exactly had changed. I guess it's kind of bittersweet... It's over 300 ^^ I guess that's why he did it so naturally. If you look at the before and after photos, your eyes will definitely look bigger and softer. The scar still remains, but it has improved a lot and is covered with makeup.
I am very satisfied. My mom is also laying the groundwork that she wants to have eye surgery again... What's surprising is that even though the double eyelid line is low, my eyes have gotten really big. I think it would have been strange if it had been higher.
more! Good luck everyone & good luck
... If you have any successful cases of semi-permanent eyebrow and eye vision surgery, can you send me a DM for recommendations? I really want to do it this year ㅡㅜ
수술 잘된 병원은 첫날부터 잘됨. 비대칭에 모양 짝짝이에 애초에 모습이 다른데, 그건 수술 첫날에도 알 수 있음. 붓기 빠져도 똑같이 다른 모양인데 붓기라고 가스라이팅하며 환자 윽박 지르는 의사 어휴 ㅉㅉ... 의사는 그냥 자기 잘못 인정하고 이상하면 as해주고, 대리유령수술이나 하지말아라 환자도 이상한 사람 있겠지만 보통 깡패 의사들 ㅁㅊ 의사들도 ㅈㄴ 많음, 착한 의사가 실력도 좋더라 수술 후 첫날부터 딱 각이 나옴, 이건 된 수술인지 잘못된 수술인지. 인성 더러운 나르시스트 의사가 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 어떻게 하나같이 실력도 없더라. 실력 좋은 의사는 겸손하고 인성까지 좋음... 어휴 ㅉㅉ 내가 상담포함 수십명 수술 후 3명 데이터 보니깐 둘은 수술 만족도 최상, 인성 좋고, 수술시간 짧음, 과한 수술 아닐 시 국소마취 진행(유령 아닌 증거), 수술 당일부터 딱 나옴, 붓기같은 개소리 없고. 어떻게 하나같이 이렇게 공통점이 있냐 나도 정리하고 보니 공통되니 신기. 근데 한명은 원ㅈ 깡패 출신 인성 더럽고, 약속한 시간보다 수술시간도 진짜 길었음 타병원 30분-1,2시간 이내 국소마취라고 했는데 하루종일 수면 마취수술함. 실력도 형편없고 나도 머리털나고 최초로 컴플레인 걸었는데 오죽하면 그랬겠냐 ㅈㄴ 이상해서 했는데 바로 쌍욕 날라오네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 실력도 ㅈ또 없는게 인성 더러운 건 과학임. 나머지 의사 둘은 개인병원, 듣보잡 병원에 인성, 환자 대응, 요구 사항 다 들어줌(심지어 둘다 과한 무리한 요구였음), 실력도 퍼펙트, 마케팅 브로커도 없음. 저 대형병원 원ㅈ 출신, 마케팅 돈 노예는 실력도 없고 배운게 그것 밖에 없는지 수면마취(유령수술)에 환자한테 언성높이고 싸움박질, 붓기 가스라이팅 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ