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[Double eyelid Incision] Incision + ptosis correction + canthoplasty, come in first

Date 23.01.16 16:56:45 View 2,167
187 만원

I went to Yoon Dong-ju plastic surgery today. I'm remembering each one to write here, so I hope those who are thinking about the first number will read this article! First of all, the reason why I chose Yoon Dong-ju was that I was out in Seomyeon, and out of 6 hospitals that informed me that I had protruding eyes, there were only 2 hospitals, and that was OK with Yoon Dong-ju. Yoon Dong-joo and OK both performed the surgery themselves and had good skills, so I was inclined to say OK at first (there is an anesthesiologist and a hospital that does a lot of reoperations, so the director seemed competent), but the price range was too high, so I gave up and went to Yoon Dong-ju. The introduction was long... Now I'll tell you how Yun Dong-ju performed the surgery. 1. Change clothes, lay down on the operating table, and draw the shape of your eyes (Short sleeves + southern + one padding to take off in the hospital. It's good to go wearing this! The operating room is colder than I thought...) 2. Disinfect your eyes and put anesthesia adverbs It is divided into two types: gynecomastia and topical! FYI, in one hospital, they say that I usually go in topical right away without sleeping. But my ear hurts terribly again..;;; When I first consulted with Yoon Dong-ju, I said sleep-> topical, but suddenly in the operating room, anesthesia I'll do it~ and immediately gave a topical injection, so I was terribly embarrassed and angry. Because the topical injection is really... it hurts so bad... :( 3. Start the operation now! After a few minutes, the director came back and the operation started. When I was doing it, he put a big light in front of me and told me to close my eyes. I thought it would take a lot of time because I had an incision + ptosis correction + epicanthoplasty, but it was over in 50 minutes. And it's not accurate because my eyes are closed, but I think the order was ptosis correction -> double eyelid -> epicanthoplasty! It doesn't hurt at this time! (The topical area hurts the most..) I don't feel much except when I press my eyes occasionally, I hear the sound of thread cutting, and when the director holds my eye area hard (ouch). After 4., they gave me an injection in my buttock, but this one hurts too much... It's less painful than the flu shot I've received in the past, but since it's a needle. ? I'm not sure who said it right lol 5. After getting all the shameful buttock injections, I went into the recovery room and laid down with an ice pack! After about 10 minutes, the nurse brought me and I listened to the precautions with my dad and was discharged. My eyes hurt a little at this time. It's not an unbearable pain, but it feels like being slapped in the eyes by someone? 7. After the end, I wore sunglasses and a hat like a terrifying hipster.

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엉덩이주사 항생제 붓기 잘 빼~
23-01-17 02:29
아 그렇구나ㅎㅎ 정보 고마워!
23-01-18 23:41
혹시 그 눈매교정 하시고 나서 두통이나 두근거림은 없으셨나요??
23-01-17 05:34
전혀 없었어요!! 멍이랑 실(뾰족해서 따끔거림) 말곤 딱히 부작용 없었습니다!
23-01-18 23:42
글 도움 많이 됐어! 고마워~
23-01-17 11:12
히히 뿌듯하네 *v*
23-01-18 23:43
저도 똑같은 수술 예정이라서 큰 도움이 된 것 같아요... 처음이라서 많이 걱정되는데ㅠㅠ
23-01-19 13:55
예쁘게 잘된거같아요~!!
23-01-21 02:20
근데 왜 수면 잠깐안했지..?
23-03-30 21:34
수술전에 따로 라인안잡아보고 수술대에서 그리는거양..?
23-04-23 23:34
상담받으러 가야하나 고민되네!
23-06-21 10:54
다들 잘 ~~~ 알아보고 가세요~
23-08-24 03:25
* 비밀글 입니다.
24-03-05 23:44
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