The last photo is
2 weeks
before and after the lower part. I said that I shouldn't overdo
it because it's a style that has a bit
of white eyes, but I think it's cool without being
overdone . It was there until the 3rd day, and the red part started to get better from the 5th day.
Wow, my style of eyes are so pretty!! Did you just get a slit?
Please give me some information about the director of that hospital.
I looked at other posts, but the grade wasn't there.
Please give me information about where I got my double eyes and nose done.
안녕하세요^^ 저희 고3딸아이 수능 얼마 남겨두지 않고 성형수술 해달라고 저를 달달달 볶고 있습니다..수능 끝나고 지니올시다님처럼 이렇게 예쁘게 해주겠다고 말할수 있도록 병원정보 부탁드려요..쌍거풀수술을 중3겨울방학에 했었는데 완전 짝짝이로 되었거던요..그걸로 엄청 스트레스 받아했는데..언제가 다시 해줘야겠다생각하고 있었지만 여름방학에 해달라고 저러니..ㅠㅠ 죄송하지만 언니처럼 예쁘게 해줄테니라고 달랠수 있도록 쌍거풀이랑 밑트임 병원이랑 선생님..금액 정보 부탁드립니다..간절히요^^