Im posting a review after 30 days.. If you look closely, you can see a little redness. Its red enough that you can even wear your bare face when you go to work. I can do all face wash, but Im careful because I like to keep things on the agenda as much as possible... The restored place came down from the beginning of the surgery, so fortunately, I dont feel like my eyes have gotten smaller! Before the restoration, the thing I was most worried about was the small eyes. Comparing it with the photo before restoration, I am happy that the tips of my eyes have changed. There is still more recovery period left, but its only been 30 days, but Im so happy that Ive gotten so much better and blown away my heartache at once.
Good job. Where did you do it? Can I get the information? Did she have any side effects such as small eyes?? ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ Its stressful because of the red chest and the shape of the back.
[@Its a secret] I did it at G.O. Its a restoration hospital, so Im completely satisfied with my eyesight, not getting small, and the corners of my eyes rising terribly.
Because of that side effect, I am looking for a hospital for reoperation... the hospital and the director. Please give me some information on the cost of surgery please.
I also got a twist because I have small eyes, but after consulting with the director, if I can open it, I do it, and if not, I pull it with a thread. Its surgery. It cost about 340 million won.