I came in for surgery yesterday!
I have conjunctival edema, it looks red
, and I have
And if the conjunctival edema is severe, can't see well or
strabismus double vision can come, has anyone experienced it??
[@Jina Jinao] Huh? No, I didn't mean it that way!
I'm currently looking into epicanthoplasty and epicanthoplasty, but I was worried because I heard that it may leave scars. From the photos it looks like it went well!
저 작년에 눈에 힘을 너무 줘서 그런지 결막부종 심하게 왔었어요ㅠ 결막부종 튀어나온것 때문에 눈이 잘 안감겼을정도인데 실밥 풀고 나서 부터는 많이 호전되었는데 저 결막부종에 피 고인게 검은자 주변이라 한달정도 가더라구요ㅜ
글 써주신분은 검은자 주위는 아니라 실밥 뽑으시면 금방 가라앉으실거 같아요!
그 병원에서 처방해준 안약 꼬박꼬박 잘 넣으셔용!