Job Review


Date 21.02.04 01:39:15 View 2,878

It's been 1 year and I did it on the recommendation of an acquaintance at the plastic surgery clinic. I got the feeling of doing it, so I set the date for surgery right away. Actually, I thought about it until the end with DD and here. I was worried because the line the teacher gave me was so pretty. Because I have an acquaintance there, there was a case of surgery next to me, so I decided to do it. My friend became very natural. My preferred style and features are... 1. One-person ledger system 2. Unconditionally rather than flashy! Pursuit of naturalness 3. Plastic surgeons Only those that met this condition were sold out. I also preferred places where only snow could be seen. Originally, I had double eyelids, but they were too thin and the lines weren't visible (inline). I felt sorry for that, so I wanted to increase the lines only slightly, so I didn't prefer flashy styles. So, only plastic surgery clinics near Sinsa-dong sold their products.  Surgery method: burial + epicanthoplasty I hadn't thought about epicanthoplasty, but they said I had Mongolian folds so I had to open the front a little to get in and out. I thought about it until the day I did it, and decided on the same day. My concern is, won’t my eyes be crowded after having an epicanthoplasty? But the teacher said that epicanthoplasty smooths out the curves and doesn't make the eyes look crowded. So I just did it and the answer is correct. I really like itㅠㅠㅠ You became so natural and there are no scars at all! I am a craftsman... I was partially anesthetized! It didn't hurt. He also gave me a teddy bear so that I wouldn't be nervous. Please turn on the music too hahahahahahahaha I really didn't feel anything because he gave me another anesthetic injection in the middle. Last comment)) The feature here is really natural! This is it. There were 4 people around me, including me, and they all look very natural. The director also has a delicate personality, so please hold the line with a toothpick, really raising it by 0.5mm by 1mm. For follow-up care, please give me an ice pack. I put on eye ointment and go to remove the stitches for the epicanthoplasty in a few days. If it's buried, I'm not going to pull it off. Maybe it's because this place doesn't advertise, so there aren't many reviews.

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ㅇㄹㄷㅇㅅㄹ는 어디구 ㅈㄷ은 어딘가요ㅠㅡㅠ
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21-02-11 03:03
가격은 얼마였나요?
21-02-11 06:48
* 비밀글 입니다.
21-03-01 15:38
* 비밀글 입니다.
22-02-24 23:40
가격대가 얼마였나요?
글말고 사진도 궁금해
23-01-25 20:51
D-Day Plastic Surgery Clinic
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디데이 추성철 원장님하네 복코 수술 받았어요 . 정면에서 봤을때 옆으로 퍼진 느낌을 확실하게 잡고 싶었는데 원장님께 복코수술받고 코가 얄쌍해지고 전체적으로 코때문에 둔해보이던 얼굴이 세련되보이는 느낌도 들어서 매우 만족중이에요 . 비용도 다른 병원들에 비해 합리적이었고 원장님이 제 의견 최대한 반영해서 잘 개선해주시는 편이라 좋았어요 . 알아볼떄 자가늑으로만 하는게 좋다는 사람도 있었지만 휘어짐과 같은 부작용이 우려되어 말씀드렸더니 비중격기증늑을 통해 충분히 예방가능하다고 하여 콧대는 보형물 코끝은 비중격기증늑으로해서 진행했어요. 수술은 잘됐고 무엇보다 경과체크 자주해주시고 병원직원분들이 수술후에도 친절하게 신경을 잘 써주셔서 너무 감사드려요 .
코수술은 다른 수술에 비해 재수술이 높은거 같아서 알아볼때 정말 많이 신중하게 본거 같아요 . 그렇게 해서 디데이에 상담을 갔고 개인병원이라서 그런지 몰라도 원장님께서 정말 저 한명한테 집중하고 신경을 많이 써준다는게 느껴졌어요 . 코수술시 사용해야하는 재료도 어떤걸로 해야할지, 모양을 어떻게 잡으면 좋을지 갈등이 많았는데 추성철원장님께서 제가 원하는 느낌에 맞춰 코디자인부터 어떤 재료를 사용하는게 좋을지 꼼꼼히 설명을 해주셔서 이해도 쉽게 할 수 있어 좋았어요 . 그렇게해서 비중격에 귀연골로 수술받았고 개선하고 싶었던 부분 개선도 하고 자연스럽게 코가 자리를 잘 잡아서 마음에 들어요 ~
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