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Review of double eyelid fat removal

Date 21.01.19 14:39:32 View 2,153

밑트임 뒷트임 절개쌍수 지방제거 후

<밑트임 뒷트임 절개쌍수 지방제거 후>

(ㅐㅗㄴ) I did it at plastic surgery and I made multiple incisions (incisions) on the lower part of the lower eyelid . Afterwards, when I get older, only the skin will start to sag . But if I don't remove the fat, my eyes are thick.. ㅇㅇ For my eyes, a forehead lift would be the answer, but all the plastic surgeons I've been to told me not to do this because I was young.. Ha. If you want an idol-like in-out, I hope no one knows about the surgery. Recommended if you want the natural look the best . I don't think the skin will be left behind.) 2. Undercuts ,  yes, don't get rid of them right away~ I've tried several times, but it's no use~ It's not that the hospital didn't work, but my  eyes are the same~ 3. My eyes don't get bigger even if I have a back break~ Don't do it~ I'm stuck~ The hospital It's not that I couldn't, but the rear split is the same~ Added) The reason why I didn't do the front split (witt) - I can already see the nuho. And if you open the front (witt), your eyes will be crowded and you will look old.

버내뇰's More Posts
Cmts 2
Ha, those who are pretty with a slit in the back, how the hell did you do it and how long did it take you to stick to it?
21-01-20 16:46
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm honest review! I am a person with thick eyebrows, but today I went to the hospital and saw the double-blindness review. If you look at people with good lines, they all have very little fat over their eyes and they are people who have done it with the burial method.. If your eyelids are really thick, maybe it's better not to use your eyes TTTT It's so difficult.
21-01-28 00:24
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