I did it in early 2016, so it's already been 6 years. Most of my friends around me did either ㅇㅃㅅㅅ or DDㅇ, but the friends from DDㅇ got better results, so I decided that way. Burying + eye bridge + upper canthoplasty. But if I go back to that time now, I think I will make a decision with a little more effort. First of all, the director consulted and I operated according to the counseling, but if I go back to that time, I don't think I will do eye correction. There were side effects or nothing, but I don't think it was an essential surgery. If you are going to go, I would like you to visit several places first and only perform the surgery that is absolutely necessary for you. However, it was good to disinfect with laser and manage swelling after surgery. The double eyelid is buried, but I'm still maintaining it well, but the epicanthoplasty scar remains quite large.