I was looking for information and saw a review of someone who did well on the blog.
I didn't get a consultation in another place, I only got a consultation there, and I set a date and operated on the same day.
Originally a little thinner? I wanted a natural line that didn't change my impression as much as possible (in-out), but since
I've been doing my makeup thick, they said that my skin stretched a lot because I rubbed it a lot when I was cleansing.
So I made it a little thicker.
I was under local anesthesia and had a surgery while talking to the
doctor. There was no swelling and there was no pain.. I didn’t
even apply a poultice (the hospital said I didn’t have to), and I was prescribed medication, but I didn’t eat it because it was bothersome.. I didn’t eat pumpkin juice or anything like that. I put it on (there was no need to do this at the hospital)..
But anyway, it healed well, so I put on makeup from the 3rd week onwards. The
impression and atmosphere have completely changed, but I'm satisfied!
The swelling is gone quickly, so I want to do eyelash extensions!
Fighting for double
[@Nyhawun] During your surgery, not a drop of blood came out.. There was no blood or pus in my eyes, but the swelling went down well, so I'm very satisfied ㅠㅠ
[@You have a lot of questions] Even my friends who stopped me said it was better to do it for sure.. Some people saw my eyes and made an appointment right away and had the surgery, hahahaha
[@Cornchipchip] I'm sure people around me said that my impression has softened a lot after putting my hands together ㅜㅜㅋ I think I did a really good job!!! Thank you Corn Chips!!!! hehe
[@Shuro] Thank you hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
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