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Eyebrow Bone + Eyehole Bone Plastic Surgery Review (feat. ㅇㅇㅇ)

Date 20.06.03 15:25:14 View 28,054

수술 후 3개월 전후에요! (눈썹뼈 성형 후기 올려요! 수술 전후 제대로 비교해보려고 병원 실장님한테 원본 받았어요 ㅋㅋ)

<수술 후 3개월 전후에요! (눈썹뼈 성형 후기 올려요! 수술 전후 제대로 비교해보려고 병원 실장님한테 원본 받았어요 ㅋㅋ)>

*눈썹뼈+아이홀뼈 절삭 말고 다른 건 안 했어요!

<*눈썹뼈+아이홀뼈 절삭 말고 다른 건 안 했어요!>

아이홀 부분

<아이홀 부분>

Ever since I was a kid, I always had a complex because my eyes felt a little slanted. Even if you're just a little tired, you starve for a long time and your eyes look like a sick person..ㅠ I've heard a lot of stories about them especially looking like men's eyes. I checked out various plastic surgeons, but they said that it looks like a man's face because the eyebrow bone is developed, so how about putting an implant as high as the eyebrow bone? But I wasn't very interested in forehead surgery, because I thought it would shade my face like a gorilla if I put an implant on it . He said that only the protruding part of the eyebrows could be trimmed, and he showed several examples, but it was arranged just as much as I wanted. He said that while arranging the eyebrow bone, the eye hole bone can also be slightly trimmed, so we did it together! 2 Photo What's interesting is that after the eyebrow bone was trimmed, the hollow double eyelid line and eyelids were naturally positioned, so it felt like I had plastic surgery. (The eye-hole bone went in and the bulging feeling was gone!) People around me asked if I had a forehead surgery, and I got a smoother forehead line because I trimmed the eyebrow bone. 3 Photo I thought the bulge at the end of the eyebrow was fat, but they said it was the eye hole bone. Many women say that when the eyebrow bone develops, the eyebrow bone also protrudes. But why is it that I...Torreuk ㅠ Anyway, I arranged the eyebrow bone + eye hole bone together. With a male-like impression, it's a bit feminine.. Haha I'm satisfied with the result. So far, there have been no abnormal symptoms or discomfort! If there are any additional specials, I will update you!^^

줄라인's More Posts
Cmts 20
It's so natural right?! I think you've improved a lot!!
20-06-03 19:14
Hall is amazing!!! Is it because of my mood that I feel that even the lines of my face are in order? i want to do it too...
20-06-03 19:58
I'm also looking for ihole ㅠㅠ
20-06-04 01:59
I didn't know there was eye-hole surgery. It's amazing..
20-06-04 10:40
It's amazing haha ​​I've never heard of eye-hole surgery
20-06-04 19:08
I tried to go forward
20-06-05 15:44
and ephemeral gums
20-06-05 17:52
It's really amazing that there is a surgery like this... Are you experiencing any discomfort right now?
20-06-09 12:30
와..확실히 더 여성스러워진 느낌이네요
20-06-16 23:32
헐 저 여기 할 생각인데 부작용 없나요? 뼈깎는거라 시린다거나ㅠㅠ 너무 궁금해요.. 뼈깎는 수술은 뺄지 말지 고민중이라
20-09-23 18:51
혹시 수술 후에 눈꺼풀이 처진다거나 하는 느낌은 없으셨나요?? 저도 아이홀뼈 절삭 생각중인데 뼈 볼륨이 적어지는 만큼 눈꺼풀이 처지지는 않을까 걱정돼서 아직 결정을 못내리고있어서요 ㅠㅠ
20-12-20 13:11
[@김만수만수] 아 그리고 실례가 안된다면 사이트에는 회복 기간이 10일로 적혀있던데 혹시 붓기가 어느 정도 심했는지, 언제부터 일 가능하셨는지 알려주시면 더욱 감사하겠습니다 ㅠㅠ
20-12-20 13:15
부작용이나 단점은 없으셨나요?? 같은 수술 고민중입니다
21-02-02 15:28
비용 혹시 얼만지 알 수 있을까여??3
21-03-05 03:10
저 눈썹뼈 가격 정보좀요 ㅠ
21-10-19 20:54
와 여기서 할려고 찾아봤는데 진짜 잘되셨어요!
21-12-11 21:12
와우 대박!! 혹시 하신후 부작용은 없으신가요??
22-05-08 03:58
* 비밀글 입니다.
22-07-07 13:45
* 비밀글 입니다.
23-01-30 01:18
거상은 안하셨나요?
24-02-26 22:55
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