Job Review

Written incision + eye correction 5 months review

Date 19.07.17 07:42:16 View 3,614

A few years ago, I underwent a burial surgery at Seomyeon, and it was about to come loose, so I had a reoperation at ㅇㅇㅇ. At first, I tried to get it again because it was so natural and good without any side effects, but I was afraid of leaving a scar at the saying that I had to do it again through an incision because there was still a thread inside . I should have thought that it was strange that the director drew an eye estimate without it. The person who operated the surgery should know. What use is it that a third party who lacks medical knowledge can tell you this ... It's annoying.. I simply felt that there was an advantage in that the swelling went down quickly and I could return to my daily life quickly, so I got the surgery right away . I thought it was a revision surgery and I had to be careful, so I asked this and that, and they told me to decide whether it should be 8.5mm or 9.5mm... Originally, it was 9.5 at PH, so I didn't want to do another line, and I liked the original line so pretty and liked it, so I told him to cut it . Looks like a set of eyebrow correction There was no one who didn't do it.... If I had looked into the side effects of eyebrow correction a little more, if I had been told exactly what kind of surgery it was, I would have just made an incision . After the surgery, there was no swelling or pain at all. There was really no swelling as rumored. The swelling went away quickly . .... I looked it up and found that it is one of the side effects, some said it was temporary, and some said they had to live like that for the rest of their lives . It is painful because of the symptom that the fluorescent lamp or light is stretched downwards when the eyes become hazy due to blinking. When I go to the supermarket or movie theater, it is difficult to concentrate and blink my eyes (there are no vomit or tugging symptoms), and whenever I close my eyes, I have vertical wrinkles on the top of my eyelids, but it has not gone away yet. I asked about this part as well, but I only got an answer saying that it will gradually get better because I have calluses . There is no swelling, but I think the fixation is too deep. When I close my eyes, the dent line is too visible. Because of this, the mucous membrane is lifted and the light bleed is not known . I'm thinking of going to the hospital again. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get counseling from the director because I said that the hospital is only for the head of the counseling office, but I'll be fine after a while anyway . I don't know, but I plan to visit there again.... I heard that reoperation for eye correction is really difficult. I'm so depressed and I have to live like this for the rest of my life, so I'm afraid I have to go up to Seoul . I'm planning to go to all the famous hospitals, but I hope there is a way. I signed up here to get various information......

하나비비's More Posts
Cmts 5
ㅠㅠ The light bleed is the first.. Do you like the shape itself?? I'm looking into it too. It's scary.
19-07-17 08:16
[@마이애미버거]  네.. 점막 살짝 들린거(가까이서 보는 거 아닌이상 티 날 정도는 아닙니다)랑 움푹 칼자국 좀 심한거는 눈감을 때 신경쓰여서 모양은 잘 나왔어요
19-07-17 08:19
저는 2년전에 렌즈삽입수술 이후로 약간 빛번짐이 있었는데 삼주전에 절개+눈매교정하고 빛번짐이 살짝 심해진다는 느낌을 받았어요. 그런데 이게 항상 그런게 아니라 눈컨디션?에 따라 그럼거같아요. 3주차쯤 되니까 빛번짐이 심해진게 나아지는 느낌이에요
19-07-17 20:52
19-07-18 20:20
안구건조증 있으신가요 저도쌍수하고
반년은 빛번짐심했어요ㅠ
19-07-26 13:23
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