Job Review

It’s been 5 years since I had double eyelid surgery! Review of three surgeries

Date 19.04.01 15:09:29 View 1,956

As soon as I finished my college entrance exam, a close friend of mine was the director, so I had double eyelids done at a certain hospital in Apgujeong, but as time went by, they became thinner, like inner double eyelids. Originally, I had natural inner eyelids, but I paid for surgery, and I wanted the line to be visible because I had inner eyelids, so I got 2 eyelids done at the same hospital. I had repeat surgery about a year later! But as expected, I got double eyelids again (a friend of my relative had it done at that hospital, and they said it looked like inner doubles without noticing it, so I think it's that hospital's style) because I wanted to see the double eyelid line (I had the surgery to remove a little fat from the eyelids, and the eyelids were smaller). I don't know if the line was buried there because it was thick or if the hospital just didn't set the line high in the first place.) I continued to complain and had a third surgery 6 years after the first surgery! I should have done a lot of selling, but the price of reoperation goes up. The hospital I visited quoted the price too cheaply, and since I was a student, I was tempted to set a date and have the surgery right away. The line was definitely thicker than the first and second surgeries, and the swelling lasted a lot longer. By all accounts, I had double eyelids. I felt like I was someone who had surgery . I think I was quite stressed because my lines didn't get thinner. Now, 5 years after my third surgery, all the swelling has gone and my lines are well-defined as I wanted. I don't think I'll be able to get a double eyelid in my eyes. I am satisfied and I don't think I will have any more dual wielding in the future. However, because of the incision marks and slightly uneven lines when I close or slightly open my eyes, I think people who see me for the first time will recognize that I have dual wielding when talking to me. Except for the incision lines that are noticeable. I'm satisfied because a lot of people say I have pretty eyes when I look at it. I was stressed about both the 1st and 2nd double eyelid lines that didn't show up (even after making an incision) vs. the double eyelid line that looked pretty when I opened my eyes even though the incision marks were visible, but I think the latter is better! 5 years ago, I had my third double eyelid surgery and was very stressed because the line became too thick and high, but this has all come down over time!! So I'm satisfied now :) I did it incision and inline all three times! The reason it's inline is because the space between the eyes and eyebrows isn't wide!

플레이위드미's More Posts
Cmts 14
19-04-01 15:46
글 잘읽었습니다 한 가지 여쭤보고 싶은게 있는데 저는 3년전에 처음으로 수술해서 지금은 화장하고 눈뜨면 딱 적당하게 라인이 보이는데 눈감으면 라인앞쪽이 울퉁불퉁하고 해서 신경이 쓰이거든요 이런경우 재수술 비추하시나요??
아니면 작성자분처럼 2년정도 더 지나면 눈지방이 내려오면서 자연스러워질까요ㅠㅜ?? 화장안하면 라인이 소세지끼가 있고 두꺼워서 스트레스라서 여쭤봅니다
19-04-01 20:39
[@Joohee] 저두 라인이 자연스럽게 얇진 않지만 눈떴을때 모양이 예뻐서 만족하고 살고 있어요. 절개라인 티나는건 어쩔수없는거같고 쌍꺼풀이 약간 두꺼워서 고민인건 세월지나면 다 내려오는거같아요!! 지금 웬만큼 예쁜눈이면 만족하시는걸 추천드려요 :)
19-04-01 21:43
[@플레이위드미] 답글달아주신거 감사드립니다ㅠㅠ 재수술고민했는데 부모님이랑 친구들 그리고 상담받은 병원원장님 몇분까지 하지 않는게 좋겠다고 하셨는데도 계속 미련이 남았거든요... 계속 기다려봐야겠네요 감사합니다ㅎㅎ
19-04-01 22:19
마지막 수술후 라인이 두껍고 높게 되셨다고했는데 원하는 높이까지 붓기 빠지는데 얼마나 걸렸나요? 1년정도 지나고나서도 붓기가 계속 빠지고 높이도 계속 낮아지나요?
19-04-01 21:42
[@어떡할까요] 저 마지막수술한지 5년지났는데 예전에 스트레스받았던거 다 잊혀졌어요..... 그냥 살다보니 두껍고높은 라인이 딱 적당해졌더라구요
1년 지나고도 그랬는지 시기는 정확히 기억나진 않아요 하고나서 꽤오랫동안 두꺼워서 스트레스받았었네요... 어느순간 제 눈 되어있었어요
19-04-01 21:47
부럽네요 저도재수술햇는데또속쌍돼서풀릴까봐 조마조마해요...ㅜㅜ
19-04-01 22:46
[@미미2] 잘 되셨을거에요! ㅠㅠ 너무걱정하지마세요
19-04-02 12:15
전재수술한지 한달다되가는데 진짜 너무
티나네요..후회막심이에요 소세지장난아니에요
19-04-02 01:05
[@테일러힐] 한달로는 빠지려면 멀었어요 저도 그시기에 스트레스 많이받았는데 시간지나니 라인 낮아졌어요 조금만 더 기다려보세요!
19-04-02 12:17
세번째면 여유분이제 없지않아요?
정말 고생하셨네요..저도 십대때하고 이번에
다시할건데 또늙으면 또해야되서 한세번할거같네요
19-04-02 16:45
혹시 절개하실때 살 잘제도 하셨나요?
19-04-02 19:30
저도 쌍커풀 세번했는데 절개라인 흉과 집힌게 남았지만 눈뜬 모습은 그전보단 나아서 그럭저럭 살고있습니다 ㅠ
19-04-08 09:31
죄송한데 원장님과 병원정보좀 알수있을까요 간곡히 부탁해요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ저도다시해야해서
19-11-28 03:20
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