Job Review

Just one month review on one side only

Date 19.03.23 14:06:38 View 14,232
광주 ㄹㅂㅅ

This is a review from exactly one month ago. I received consultations at 4 places, made an appointment for the 4th one, had surgery on 2/23, and today I applied warm compresses and practiced opening my eyes (I am visiting every week after the surgery). The other 3 places recommended surgery on both eyes, but even with one eye the size of this one. I chose it because they said it was enough (only incisions and eye correction are allowed) The eye that didn't have the surgery was originally a double eyelid, but I got a wound when I was young and the scar changed, so I had double eyelids. That eye was originally bigger than the other eye, and my double eyelids also got bigger, so I used the other eye. They said that even if I had surgery, the size couldn't be the same. So, when I look in the mirror, the eye that had surgery looks much bigger because of the swelling, but when I take a picture, the eye that had surgery looks smaller. Strangely, I like the lines and the makeup method (how to draw the lines) is the same, so it's comfortable. Overall, I'm satisfied, but the swelling is going down more slowly than I thought. It seems to have stopped on the 10th day. It still doesn't feel like my own eye, and it's a problem if the eye that had the surgery is fully opened. I can't see the pupil, so it looks blurry. Time will solve this. Even though I was thinking about it, I got impatient haha. It's only on one side, so I'm worried because I'll continue to see the difference between both sides until the swelling goes down. I'm curious about how it's been in a month. I also wonder when my eyes will fully open.

여린녹차잎's More Posts
Cmts 20
If one eye was originally bigger, the lines look exactly the same in the picture, so I still carefully wonder if one eye is bigger.
19-03-23 15:20
[@Anthea] I was told that I couldn't get the lines as big as your big eyes, so there would be a slight difference between the double eyelids on big eyes and the double eyelids on small eyes . ^^
19-03-23 16:44
Thank you for your hard work!
19-03-23 16:21
This is the first time I've seen a one-sided review. I think you're doing well. Move the swelling often and drink some warm tea.
19-03-24 20:45
[@TaylorHill] Thank you, I'm not trying anything in particular, hoping the swelling will go down quickly. I guess warm tea is good too^^
19-03-25 00:10
I'm looking into eye correction because I have ptosis in one eye. Some say you can only do one eye, while others say you need to do both, so I'm thinking about it, but I think one side would be fine. Thank you for the review. ^^
19-03-25 09:34
[@hoh****] I wanted to do only one side from the beginning, but the first three places all told me to do both, so I was disappointed, but I was so happy to get counseling here. There are a lot of people who don't know because I went without an eye patch for a week when I noticed a lot. The swelling went down quickly and my eyes opened properly. It would be nice if I lost
19-03-26 01:01
Maybe it's because you have pretty eyes so it worked out well for youㅠㅠㅠㅠ
19-03-27 06:21
[@Nyongnyangni] Wow, thank you. I never thought my eyes were pretty, but I was really stressed out about my mismatched eyes, but I'm satisfied with just correction.
19-03-27 08:17
From what I can see, it looks like the lines fit well and turned out well??
19-03-27 13:07
[@Tinker Bell] Thank you. When you look in the mirror, both sides look roughly similar except for the swelling^^ I am satisfied. The problem is that there is more swelling than in the photo haha.
19-03-27 20:30
I also have double eyelids in one eye that keep coming off. I have an even eye, but the review helped me a lot. It worked so well. ><
19-03-28 00:35
[@himong] Thank you so much ^^ At first, I was anxious because my eyes couldn't open well, but people around me said it looked good and I feel like putting on makeup these days. It would be great if most of the swelling goes down in the next two months and the feeling in my eyes comes back.
19-03-28 01:41
Well done!! How much does it cost to do just one side?
19-03-31 22:10
[@awsed] I sent you a message.
19-04-03 15:50
The lines and thickness seem similar to each other!
19-04-04 15:27
you are pretty!!
19-04-26 10:21
May I know where you did it? I'm also looking into it because I have pair of eyes~ㅠㅠ
19-06-06 16:46
I'm also looking into it because I have a pair of eyes. If you see the post, please share the information..!!
20-09-29 02:19
I wonder when things became completely the same~
21-08-26 11:22
water drop plastic surgery
hospital info
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