<사람됐습니다ㅎㅎ 참고로 이건 평소 눈 뜰때 크기입니다 아직까진 눈에 힘 주고 사진찍으면 부리부리한 느낌이 좀 남아있어요>
<눈 감았을 때인데 절개선이 쎄보이지만 신경 안 쓰이더라구요 눈 감고다니는것도 아니라서요>
It's been a long time
since I've been here. I've had surgery on January 2nd of this year and it's been 2 months since I uploaded it.
Now it's a lot more natural.
The name of the hospital is listed above!
I want you to know clearly that there is no such thing
I did it at the place you told me I
personally recommend that
you visit an ophthalmology specialist first.
I don't think you need to take any risks unless you are a