Job Review

Review of 3rd year of Ssangsu

Date 18.12.13 22:24:05 View 459

As soon as I became a college student, the first thing I did was dual wielding. I worked hard to sell my products, but I remember liking the consultation at the first hospital I visited so much that I paid a deposit and set a date on the spot. It was a plastic surgery clinic in Gangnam, and I had only consulted with double eyelid surgery, but they ended up having ptosis, epicanthoplasty, posterior epicanthoplasty, and epicanthoplasty as well! He told me that if you only do one double wrestle, it's no different from drawing a line over your eyes! While I was doing the back and bottom slits, I got greedy and asked if I could cut a little more, but he discouraged me! He said it would be an unnecessary surgery and recommended only the surgery I needed. When I consulted with the doctor, he asked me about various options and asked whether I would like it to be visible right away but not heal and look natural after 2-3 years, or whether it would be better for my skin to be visible and natural from now on but have a chance of resolving over time. I chose the latter. Now, three years later, when I gain weight on my face, one side of it loosens up a bit, but I have no regrets because it was my choice. Still, if more time passes and it becomes more loose, I think I'll think about steaming it again! really! I had an incision, and I also had eyelid liposuction because I had a lot of fat around my eyelids.

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