Job Review

My dad had ptosis surgery! (Browectomy + Incision + Eye Correction)

Date 18.10.09 01:42:29 View 5,785

hello! I got a lot of information here and a lot of reviews and photos were shared, so I am also leaving a post. First of all, I am a person with a huge choice and decision-making problem, and I am also a cautious person who went around a lot to get estimates for eye surgery and rhinoplasty in my early 20s, but ended up giving up on the surgery. While watching the National Singing Contest, teacher Song Hae's eyes were so droopy that it almost seemed like he was performing with his eyes closed. She thought that as she got older, her skin would sag more and her skin's ability to recover and renew itself would decrease a lot, so I decided to do it as soon as possible. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Holy Yesa + Anti-plastic surgery + Google incision method, plastic surgery initial consonant search, etc., I came up with my own criteria for deciding on a plastic surgery clinic. 1. Whether you are a specialist or not General doctor (opening a practice immediately after graduating from college) / Specialist (intern + resident + specialist exam) Of course, general doctors can do well if they have an aesthetic sense, but if you go to a university hospital, you have to wear Crocs and have a sticky head, but you have to wear a doctor’s gown. When I looked at the people wearing them (interns and residents), I got the feeling that they were very tired and rolling around in the hospital. And it seems like you would have good skills as you handle all kinds of patients at a university hospital... ex> Skin grafting, removal of lumps or fibroids, etc. (Of course, I don't know about aesthetic sense.) I also worked at the company and the surrounding environment was good. There seems to be something that grows stronger(?) when you work hard. If my boss is strict, I also pay more attention when submitting reports... So I thought I should have the surgery done by a specialist. 2. We selected hospitals with a high number of procedures and those that were established at least 5 years ago. It seemed like the date of the review was after 2010 before I felt at ease. 3. A hospital that specializes only in eyes. If you search, you will find it. For some reason, I wanted to avoid hospitals where a director specializes in eyes, nose, chest, and both jaw. 4. Then, I went to the hospital for a consultation and asked to see photos of the procedure, and carefully looked at how well the stitching lines were. Side-to-side symmetry, parabolic bending of the scar, etc. I was concerned about the incision under the eyebrows because it left a scar even after it healed, but after the surgery, it really just looked like a wrinkle and wasn't really visible. I think it's more because my dad doesn't have a tendency to get scars and his skin heals quickly. 5. Hospital without events Personally, I have a very severe problem of choice + decision-making problem... (When I buy something, I just can't buy it. I search for the lowest price + search on Amazon + search for model name, etc., so I'm the type of person who compares everything, so life is tiring ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ) Discounts for same-day reservations I ended up skipping the hospitals that said they would do it due to extreme stress and choice fatigue. The director was really nice...ㅠ ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- This is a review of the surgery! First of all, I think the surgery went very well. 1. The scar isn't as big as I thought 2. The left and right sides are well symmetrical (Right now, the left side is a little more swollen so it doesn't look right, but I think it will look similar when the swelling goes down!) 3. It looks so natural that I'm worried about having to do it again in the future. 4 . By the way, my dad didn't get epicanthoplasty, but you can already see a lot of my eyebrows. 5. I was originally resistant to cosmetic surgery, but now that my dad's plastic surgery went well, I feel like I've become a plastic surgery evangelist. Before that, I woke up with a really big forehead, so I was tired all day and had a lot of wrinkles, but my forehead has really straightened out! They say it's very easy to open your eyes, so I didn't throw myself into Indangsu just to open my eyes, but I became Simcheong ^^ ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- This is a review of the product! 1. I am not a SSS specialist, but I have a long experience. He asked me to cut out the saggy part using an incision method and perform surgery. 2. Director ㅂㅆㅇㅇ drew eyebrows on paper so well that I felt like he was engraved with gold. He asked me to do a subbrowectomy (eyebrow lift). I also looked at pictures after the procedure, and the stitching was really thorough (it looked like it was done with a sewing machine). They said that the scars from the surgery were finer lines than the forehead wrinkles that appear with age, so they weren't noticeable. The reviews on the website and the number of procedures were good, so I was worried until the end. The manager said there was a 10% discount for same-day reservations, so I had a hard time making decisions. My head hurt and I started feeling dazed, so I said I would think about it and left. I didn't have the surgery here, but it was a very trustworthy hospital, and I still think about what it would have been like if I had done it at ㅂㅆㅇㅇ.   3. The director doesn’t say much. Take the tweezers and look at me. Close your eyes. Look at me. Open your eyes. After doing this a few times, I was told that only the eyes and incisions under the eyebrows were not enough, so I suggested doing both at the same time. (Both at the same time <>< I was more interested in the incision because it seemed more natural than cutting out a lump from one side) The manager here seems a bit awkward at speaking, and the review photos don't show that they were taken at the hospital and are just selfies posted by people on the website. I was very disappointed in the manager for only showing me reviews. When I asked if there were any good-quality pictures, I brought them via USB and showed them a few. The stitching was meticulous, and the pictures appeared to have been taken on the day the stitches were removed, and there were less bruises than I expected. The fact that there were no bruises was something that I was very upset about because I thought the blood vessels were touched as little as possible during the surgery. They say there is no separate discount. 4. ㅇㅇㅇ (ㅂㅂㅈ) I haven’t been to this place, but I called in September, and all consultation reservations are booked until the end of October, and surgery is also possible in the middle if someone cancels, but I couldn’t go because they said the surgery would start in November. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Final eyelid Sewage is a disease. Those of you who open your eyes with your forehead, quickly double up ^^ (I will live with this face for a while and then cut my eyes when they start drooping ^^ I think it's a great world if you have money.) Also, if your parents have droopy eyes, please recommend surgery. You may not even think about doing it yourself.

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잘 되셧다니 축하해요
병원소개도 꼼꼼히 감사합니다
18-10-09 08:47
하신 변원좀 알려주세요. 저 안검하수 과교정되서 아퍼요.. ㅜㅜ 초성말고 그냥 알려주세요. 죄송해요 .. 정말 부럽네요..
18-10-09 11:17
* 비밀글 입니다.
18-10-11 03:55
[@shinje]cool한 답변 다른분들도 속 시원 하실 듯요. 감사합니다.
18-10-13 23:08
그러면 ㄷㅈㅇㄴ에서 하신건가요?
18-10-11 15:34
[@망개망개] 저두 궁금해용
18-10-20 21:23
정말 꼼꼼하게 쓰셨네요.! 좋은정보 감사합니다..! 아는분도 나이들면서 점점 상안검쪽이 처져서 고생하시더라구요..ㅜㅜ
18-10-12 00:47
효녀시네요 넘 잘하셨어요
18-10-12 13:57
상세후기 너무 감사드립니다. 수술하신 병원은 어딘지 알수있을까여?
18-10-19 15:46
발품 병원 이름 쪽지 부탁드릴게요!!
18-10-27 19:14
저도 병원 초성만보면 몰라서ㅜㅜ 병원이름이랑 혹시 원장님도 가능할까요
18-10-27 22:05
저 2번 병원에서 상담 다 받고 예약금까지 내고 수술하려다가 포기한게 3년전인데 너무 후회돼요.. 그 때 할걸..ㅠ
18-11-22 04:34
저도 갑자기 안검하수가 와서 그런데 병원 알 수 있을까요??
18-12-07 07:41
병원들과 하신병원 알 수 있을까요? 부모님병원은 더 어렵더라구요
19-02-03 02:06
좀지났는데 정보 나눔좀 요청드립니다 이마로 눈뜨는 남자구요 30대후반되니 눈도 처져서요 눈썹하거상 하고싶은데 병원 이름과 정보좀 부탁드립니다
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안녕하세요 늦은 댓글이지만 혹시 최종적으로 어느 병원에서 하신건지 알 수 있을까요ㅜㅜ?
19-10-11 15:09
2 3 4 병원 이름 여쭤봐도 될까요? ㄷㅈㅇㄴ(ㅣㅏㅣㅓ)에서 하신거죠???
20-01-07 08:52
naturalistic plastic surgery
hospital info
존나 걍 망함. 매몰 풀려서 갔는데 심각한 양쪽 쌍꺼풀 비대칭에 (짝짝이) 고정 센 인상이 되어 이전 자연스러운 눈과 전혀 딴 판의 눈이 되어버렸음. 눈매교정 해야된대서 했는데 오히려 이전보다 더 졸린 눈 됨. 한동안 대인기피증 겪음. 그리고 심지어 이전 매몰일때 쌍꺼풀 두께 그대로 해 달랬는데 걍 두배는 두껍게 해놔서 쏘세지 쌍꺼풀 만들어놓음. 두께 두꺼워진거 같다고 얘기하면 여전히 붓기 얘기, 환자 흉살 얘기만 계속해서 대화의 의미가 없음. 사후관리는 아~예 없는 수준임. 경과체크도 내가 물어봐서 잡음. 누가봐도 짝짝이인데 병원에서는 주구장창 환자 붓기탓 하면서 세월아 네월아 시간 보내게 함. 최소한 수술 직후에 의사가 환자 들러서 수술 잘됐다 어땠다 평은 해주지 않나요? 수면마취 깨서 회복방 눈떠보니 의사가 퇴근해 있음. 더 소름인건 허벅지에서 뺐던 지방을 병원에서 보관중이래, 근데 이걸 6개월 뒤에 스쳐가는 말로 간호사가 해줘서 알았음. 왜 이런 기본적인 사항을 수술전이나 당일에 얘기 안해준거죠? 여튼 여러모로 이런 최소한의 시스템도 안 돼 있는 병원을 택한 내가 븅이지 에혀
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