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Review of natural adhesion in Busan

Date 18.04.26 21:41:03 View 4,987

I had natural adhesion with epicanthoplasty at Kyungsung University's ㅈㅇㅊ Plastic Surgery Clinic, which is famous for its natural look in Busan. It's been 9 months. The natural adhesion method was a unique method where threads came out to the outside, so it was firmly fixed in the shape of ㅅㅅㅅ and then released a few days later. Burial leaves threads, but no threads remain, and it looks more natural. I chose it because I thought it would be boring.. Maybe it was because the threads came out on the outside after the surgery, but there was a lot of oozing and swelling, so I wonder how many times I went to the plastic surgery failure cafe.. It was a lot of trouble. Looking at the surgery method, it seems like it can do some eye correction, but the fixation depth is also great. It got deeper and the harder I opened my eyes, the deeper the fixation got, so I was quite worried... I liked double eyelids that looked like they would loosen like Suzy or Sulli, but the height was low and the depth of Irene's double eyelids was slightly more loose. I asked Chae-yeon Jung to show me her eyes and she adjusted the line as much as possible, and now I'm really satisfied. My goal was to have an inner double eyelid, but I thought I should have made it a little bigger. Maybe it's because I fixed it hard for a few days, but it doesn't look particularly natural than burial. Also, there is a mark where the thread was tied and undone, like a partial incision. Now it is almost buried and disappearing. I also had an epicanthoplasty done, but it doesn't look like a buried eye. They tailored it to me and it looks very natural, so the before and after effect is good, but it doesn't look like plastic surgery! I'm planning on doing the back opening later somewhere else and the front opening again, but I'm thinking about doing it here again.

햇밀's More Posts
Cmts 6
Why don't you do the back opening in JJ?? Is there anything special about the back opening?
18-04-27 14:11
This is good information
18-04-27 21:06
ㅈㅇㅊ Isn’t this a gorgeous line?
18-04-28 17:40
[@Kkong-i-kong-i]   They do it according to the size of the eyeball, so it’s as natural as possible? It seems like they are making it smaller. When I went to the foot shop, the before and after pictures were good. The outline was high and looked natural. When I had the surgery, when I looked at the progress, there was a huge difference in the swelling right after the surgery and a few days after the swelling went down. I recommend going to a consultation every day of the week when the director is not around. Please call in advance before you go. It's a long distance away, so I went twice. I saw the doctor on the same day and had the surgery on the same day.
18-05-05 13:11
쪽지 보냈는데 확인 부탁드려요!ㅠㅠ
18-11-15 15:25
20-12-12 20:32
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