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Incision double eyelid revision surgery

Date 18.01.23 22:58:16 View 1,501

4-5 years ago, I had double eyelids through an incision. It's a revision surgery, so a really talented director should do it.. Now that I think about it, I think I got it from Dr. Fay at a large hospital back then. At the time of counseling, I was told that I could do everything according to the style I wanted, and I did it without hesitation as if I was overshadowed by a ghost, but it was very messed up. ㅜㅜ Before, I still had sausage eyes, but I had smiling eyes, and I heard a lot of people say that I have pretty eyes, but now when I smile, I look like a fox. TT A close brother later said that it was the hospital blacklist.. ㅜㅜ I want to have the surgery again, but I can't catch a cold because the more I do it, the more it will ruin my eyes.

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