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Eye burial 2nd month

Date 17.10.11 15:28:19 View 2,547

It's been 2 months since I had a buried upper eyelid. Originally, my eyes were inner double eyelids. Sometimes when I wake up, the double eyelid line loosens and disappears, so there were many times when the double eyelids were even . I was going to go to the hospital to get a reward by lowering only the eyes that looked fierce because it was an inner pair, and I was going to go to the hospital to get a reward , but when I consulted with the director, he said that contrary to my opinion, I had to do both the upper and upper canthoplasty instead of the back canthoplasty to make the eyes look rounder and the impression a little better. So I said that I knew that the slits would be solved by just lowering the corners of my eyes with only the back canthoplasty, and they said that only the back canthoplasty would improve the slits by 30%, and that with upper canthoplasty and burial, it would improve about 85% . I decided to have the surgery, trusting the director. The burial line was a bit large. He said that if the swelling goes down later, the line might look thinner, so I asked for a bigger line . I worked hard on cold and warm compresses, and now, 2 months after the surgery, the swelling has gone down a lot. The line didn't look that big. I just like it. I think I did a good job of making the line bigger. My eyes definitely look clearer, and after doing the upper part, my eyes are more round, so I think my eyes are much better than before. I don't know if the line will get thinner here as time goes by, but I think it went well anyway. ) Does the director say my skin is a skin that is well pigmented on scars? The scar injection hurts a lot. After the scar injection, the tears didn't stop, so the nurse covered the tears with cotton for a long time . I hope you guys can help

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