Job Review

A review of super long double sleeves + front opening + back opening haha

Date 17.02.26 15:10:36 View 8,878

The 1st photo is Ssangsujeon's bare face and the 2nd photo is a photo of Ssangsujeon with makeup and lenses on. Ssangsujeon The eyes weren't that small, but the width seemed a bit frustrating ㅠㅠ And I used to open my eyes with my forehead! Very slight ptosis...? If you look at the photos before actually doing it, your eyes are even more puffy than the photos you posted. My back is blocked.. The third photo was taken in the summer of 2013, just a few days after double eyelid surgery, epicanthoplasty, and posterior epicanthoplasty using the outline of partial incisions in both eyes! (Looking at the swelling, it's huge haha. Hatred warning! At this time, I was originally only going to have a double eyelid surgery, but my mother suddenly added epicanthoplasty as she said epicanthoplasty would make my eyes bigger.) The fourth photo is when the swelling had gone down a bit when I first had it done, but the hospital said I needed eye correction. But my mom took it out because she thought she was doing it too much. She was used to opening her eyes with her forehead from the beginning, so people around her told her to keep her eyes open, but I thought she was walking around with her eyes open pretty close, but looking at the pictures, she was completely blurry and not putting any effort into her eyes. I went there ㅠㅠ But I read somewhere that people who don't have severe ptosis can get it fixed naturally with just double eyelid surgery! I think I'm that case. Now, I'm putting a lot of effort into my eyes and they're not opening with my forehead. The 5th photo is when one eye is opened. The 6th photo is when I had revision surgery on one side of my double and had both lateral epicanthoplasty done again. (Winter 2014) When I first had the surgery, my eyes didn't have Mongolian folds, but they had epicanthoplasty done to make them bigger, so my eyes looked a bit wild. Moreover, my double eyelids were thick, so it was a total mess haha. That made them look even more fierce. ㅠㅠ I did it again because the back was blocked and I was stressed. When I told them that the revision surgery on one side was buried and the corners of my eyes were raised, I was told that a bottom opening would not be possible because my red eyes were clearly visible, and that when doing a back surgery, they would open the bottom just a little as much as possible! But as you can see in the picture, the side of the eye that was loosened is higher, so it seems like they lowered it further during reoperation on the side of the eye that was loosened! (But when I went for the reoperation, the doctor had changed haha. This person seems to be better..) The 7th photo and the 8th photo are when the swelling has gone down after the reoperation. The 9th and 10th photos are the current photos. If you look at the photo I posted on Seongyesa before, you can see a little bit of red in the slit. But I'm thinking about not having epicanthoplasty reconstruction because people around me say they don't know because it's not noticeable. I didn't think it was a big deal, but looking at it like this, it turned out to be a lot of fun.. haha I think I have a lot of openings after having my back surgery done twice!  In particular, it seems like the double eyelid surgery side was lowered a lot. Previously, that side was higher, but now the other eye is higher. But on the side that goes down that much, you can see the red thing on the back better, and you can't see the other side very well ㅜㅜ I think there are pros and cons. People can't be equally symmetrical ㅠㅠㅠ And when people see them, they don't know they're pairs... I'm the only one who knows this... The line shouldn't be too thick because my eyebrows are close to my eyes, and since I have an inner pair, I couldn't do it in-line or in-outline because I was afraid it would look like an inner pair. Also, the outline looked pretty at the time, so I showed them a picture and asked them to make an outline. I did it, but I think I should have asked for it to be done in-out. But I am not completely out. When I open my eyes, the front is in and I am out only in the back where my double eyelids are visible. When it came up, everyone thought it was in and out..ㅎ..ㅜㅜ When I close my eyes, there are no lines at all! So even when it was thick in the beginning, people didn't really know what it was. I don't know if this hospital is good at it or if I'm just good at it, but I really don't know that anyone has done it. I need to tell you. If you close your eyes, you can't see the line at all!!!! I want to add more photos, but I can only upload 10. It was a long review with nothing special!

최진리's More Posts
Cmts 15
Wow, I think it gives me a bit of an IU vibe!! Can you tell me where you did it and the initials?
17-02-26 15:30
Wow, the content of the review alone is vivid. I will refer to it carefully .
17-02-27 17:35
Anyway, my eyes are looking really good now~~
17-02-28 04:24
Is the reason you added an epicanthoplasty because of the side effects?
17-03-01 02:31
[@wagwag8] No!! Because I want to become bigger
17-03-01 14:51
Did you have a total of two lateral openings? I'm trying to add a back slit right now. I did it before, but it's glued together and the width is shorter than before.
17-03-06 00:48
[@Yeona with pretty eyes]   Yes, I did it twice!!
17-03-29 19:16
I'm looking into revision eye surgery. Can I get some information?
17-03-10 16:55
[@Flower Songiga]   I’ll send you a note!
17-03-29 19:16
저도 쌍커풀 하려고 알아보고 있었는데... 정보 좀 부타드려요.
17-05-05 22:38
저두 정보 좀 부탁드릴게용 ㅠㅠㅠ
17-06-03 21:25
현재 눈 감고 몇mm 되시나여..?
17-06-09 01:12
저도 정보 부탁드려요!
17-08-17 09:59
정보부탁드립니다 !
18-02-12 06:20
6번째 사진 뒤트임 어느병원에서 하셨는지랑 원장님 궁금해여
20-01-22 02:02
Maid Young Plastic Surgery
hospital info
코 상담 받으러 간 곳 중에 제일 인상이 깊었던 곳이었어요. 수술 하는 부위 별로 원장님이 달랐던 곳은 좀 있었지만 저 상담해주신 구원장님께서는 굉장히 귀여우시면서도 일적으로는 전문적이시라는 느낌을 많이 주신 분이셨어요. 씨티 찍은걸로 상담 해주시는데 제가 정말 사소한 궁금한 점도 다 질문해주시기를 원하셨고 제 질문들을 통해서 제가 원하는 니즈를 파악해주려고 애를 많이 쓰셨어요. 저도 그 어떤 상담 때 보다 더 얘기를 많이 했던 것 같고요. 상담이지만 질의응답이 많았는데 장난끼 있는 원장님들 보면 간혹 믿음이 안간다는 이런 느낌이 있는데 구원장님은 그런 거 없이 딱 긴장은 풀어주되 프로페셔널하신 분이라 믿음이 많이 갔어요
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